Flash import Screen saver??
Is there anyway to make a screensave into flash??? or set a screensaver as your desktop background, I know you can get a program that makes flash into a screensaver but im wondering if it can go both ways?? Anyone know about anything i can do??
Senior Member
Banned By GMF Wannabe
Hi - yes you can! Download a copy of Flash Studio PRO and you can compile projectors and screensavers with your SWF movies.
Also, download a copy of FlashCandy and you can compile Active Desktops from your SWF files too!
I hope this helps!
yeah i can make flash into a screensaver or background yes, what im more looking for is importing. Can i make a screensaver into a swf. I would like to take an existing screensaver and import it into flash. I just dont konw if it can be done. =\
Lifetime Friend of Site Staff
Is there a generic solution for converting the action in EXE files to SWF files? No. You may be able to run one of several applications that records screen action (Camtasia, TurboDemo, etc) to SWF files and record it that way, but that will only work on Windows 95, 98 and ME, there's no way to do it if you're running on the NT based platforms (NT, Windows 2000, XP, Windows 2003, ...) because the screensaver runs on a secure desktop which other applications can't access.
thanks, yeah what i wanted to do was something similar the the old lines that bounch around or the cirlces thing that movies around. I thought there might be some way to convert the programming that a simple thing like that into actionscript. but since i dont konw much about either programming in general or advanced actionscript it looks like i will have a pretty hard time hehe. thanks the information though.
it's maybe too late but...
Generally, I'm a Delphi programmer...
I have recently developed a Windows library (DLL)
that can build screen savers from Macromedia Flash
movie files (*.swf). I guess that somebody can be
interested to create an OWN application that builds
Flash screen savers.
This is a sample screen saver:
Please visit this page if you
have found the message interesting:
...and feel free to ask questions toward the library
from the contact page!
As it was not an easy exercise, the library is
_shareware_, but I hope it's cheap enough ($39,95).
ActiveX and Delphi component are also available by
request and will be published very soon.
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