Inserting icons into flash projector file
Hi All,
Can anybody tell me how to insert icons into flash projector files,
I used exescope before but I want something more user-freindly, And it would be better if it removes the flash title bar and the right click menu
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Resource Hacker (http://www.users.on.net/johnson/resourcehacker) will let you change icons, the title bar and other resources but you can't completely eliminate the right click menu without a third party application like one of these...
SWF Studio http://www.northcode.com
Flash Studio http://www.multidmedia.com
Jugglor http://www.***********.com
FlashAnts http://www.flashants.com
Flash 'N Pack http://www.flashnpack.com
SWFKit http://www.swfkit.com
LPFlashEX http://www.logicplus.com.hk
Originally posted by Northcode
Resource Hacker (http://www.users.on.net/johnson/resourcehacker) will let you change icons, the title bar and other resources but you can't completely eliminate the right click menu without a third party application like one of these...
Is it OK with Macromedia rights?
In other words, can I use such programs to "adjust" final commercial product (i.e. presentation)?
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