SWFStudio and Swish 2.0
I hope someone in this forum can help me.
I have a main movie made in SWISH version 2 which loads additional swf's through load movie actions. The movie plays flawlessly.I am trying to make a single SWF in SWFStudio using mark all files as internal. Here is the response I received:
You have 2 choices:
1. Use SetBasePath
2. Use _level0.ssTempDir
1. SetBasePath
Add fscommand("SetBasePath", "V1") to the first frame of the main timeline of your main movie.
This tells SWF Studio to assume any relative calls, like loadMovieNum("mymovie2.swf",0), are relative to the temporary folder, where the main SWF is extracted when you launch the EXE.
2. Use _level0.ssTempDir
Change your loadMovie calls to include the variable _level0.ssTempDir like this:
loadMovieNum(_level0.ssTempDir+"\\mymovie2.swf",0) ;
_level0.ssTempDir contains a string that has the full path to the temporary directory where the main SWF is extracted when you launch the EXE.
All files you package into the EXE are extracted at startup (by default) to a temporary folder on the user's harddrive. When the EXE is closed, it will remove this directory and all the files contained within.
Choose the option that best suits you. Option 1 involves the least amount of changes to your existing file, so you might want to go this route.
I am not good with FS commands but at frame 0 of my main movie I placed an FS command as follows:
"SetBasePath", "V1" with no argument.
The main movie plays but the additional swf's still do not load.
While SWFStudio may be a little too complicated for me to understand I think, with a little help, I can get this done.
Any help would be appreciated.
If you are indicating that all your files are internal you shouldn't have to worry about setting a base directory. This is the fscommand I use to call internal movies then swf studio does the work
What I normally do is indicate my main movie by adding it first - then I just drag and drop the rest of my movies onto the layout. This way you do not even need to use file extensions. (products2 - is actually products2.swf.) SWF studio then does the rest of the work for me! I've never had to indicate base directories - and all my additional movies are called when they need to be. You would probably need to worry about base directories if you were calling additional files or programs from the CD (assuming you were burning the exe on CD) or the computer. But as long as all the files are internal swf studio does it all.
Does this command go on the first frame of the main movie.
What does, "products2" represent
I have at least 23 additional swf's that at some point play in the same movie.
OK -
If your movies are loading automatically what you want to do is go to the frame where you want the new swf file to load. and use the following:
onFrame (1) {
home in this case represents the swf file home.swf.
Just indicate the name you use when you export your swish file into a swf file and don't type in the .swf
If you are using buttons to load your movies then add the following code to the button.
on (press) {
Again home represents the name of the file you want to load there.
Finally (and this is important.) In swf studio, be sure to drag and drop the files you indicated as the movies you are loading on to the layout - if you don't drag and drop and browse instead, swf studio will name the files movie1, movie2, ect. If you do browse for the file, you can always rename the movie1 & movie2 to the name of the swf they are to be loading, but leave off the .swf, but it saves alot if time to drag and drop.
Last edited by moorea; 02-11-2004 at 06:23 PM.
Similar question
If I call a load movie from my main movie is there a way to know when that movie is done playing and goback to my main movie?
Yes, in the last frame of the time line in the movie you called from the main movie just place an fscommand to load the main movie.
I still can't get this to work. Some of my additional swf's are done in SWFX so in my main movie on scene 1 I placed a sprite with a tell target to that sprite with a load movie action. I can then move the sprite to a location I want the swf to play in my main movie. I'm not sure what you mean by an fs command.
Flashkit historian
You shouldn't need to use fs command to load movies
nor convert them all
All you need is the base movie converted to exe
I would advice that all the subsequent movies be
loaded into sprites (MC's for the flash crowd)
Then use standard swish commands instead of fs
such as Load Movie into Sprite.
I'll move this thread to Standalone and applications
because much of the information needed really doesn't have
to do with swish it has to do with SWF Studio
I use SWF Studio and Swish 2/Swishmax for cd devleopment and it works like a charm.
What I have discovered is that I don't need to place numerous swfs into the projector (outline), but rather just have a main movie within the projector and then in the main movie call additional swfs individually using the "Load Movie" command....into the projector.
This will reduce the size of the projector.
For instance: I had a main movie.... a menu system - that when the client pressed and released a link it called and loaded ("Load Movie)a swf movie that was not included in the projector at the build time, but rather was in the same directory as the projector...... and it worked great. BTW I had about 20 of these individual swfs and they all worked great..... including a link to open pdf files.
Now, also, what I have found is that with SWF Studio and Swish you need to use a command for each swf like the example below:
On the Link place this script:
on (release) {
The "%ORG%" keeps everything looking in the right directiion and worked absolutely flawlessly in my projects. This solved the path difficutlies.
The above example was used in Swish 2. However, for Swishmax I needed to add an addition "\" after the "%ORG%" and it would then look like this:
on (release) {
"samp1b.swf" is of course the name of the individual movie being loaded.
The reason for this addition "\" is that is seems that Swishmax's syntax/script is now closer to Flash and Flash and Swishmax need the addtion item. When I tried using only one "\" in Swishmax it didn't work.
Hope this helps.
Last edited by jwr; 02-14-2004 at 11:16 PM.
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Thanks James!
I just have a couple of extra notes...
If the movies are all internal, you will need to tell Flash to look at the internal directory when you use regular loadMovie calls. You can do this with the SetBasePath command as described in this FAQ.
The actual command is fscommand("SetBasePath", "v1") which tells SWF Studio to behave like it did back in V1, where the internal directory was the default base path for loadMovie calls.
If the main movie is internal and all the other movies you want to load are external (or just not added to the Layout) then the Flash loadMovie command should work just like it does in a normal projector so loadMovie("movie2.swf") will look for movie2.swf in the same folder as the projector.
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