Anyone use the new Jugglor 2.0 yet?
Just curious if anyone has had the chance to use the new version of Jugglor yet. The site isn't all that informative to me for some reason and I've noticed it's gotten substantially more expensive than it used to be. I'm interested in hearing what people think of it in relation to the old Jugglor or other products.
Look at the gallery for Jugglor v2 to see what new things you can do.
and here the feature page, if you can't seem it
Hope this helps.
Re: Anyone use the new Jugglor 2.0 yet?
Originally posted by AGENT 02
Just curious if anyone has had the chance to use the new version of Jugglor yet. The site isn't all that informative to me for some reason and I've noticed it's gotten substantially more expensive than it used to be. I'm interested in hearing what people think of it in relation to the old Jugglor or other products.
I have use it, extensively in fact , especially now but I back to it in second.
Not sure where to start tho 
I have been using Jugglor ever since and must tell you the second incarnation is
more I could expected .
I realize price is a factor , but you need to check what does it come with.
There is lots of tools in the bundle making it really worth it not to mention
tools which really give you lots of additional options.
And if you mange to get some job done with it , it will return the investment
most probably immediately plus you really can offer high end products for the client.
They happy , they sign cheques faster .
Right now , we have conference in Malaysia organized by Green Peace people .
In regard to Biological Engineering in agriculture and stuff .
I do literally on daily bases projectors for 180 countries that participate in this event.
9 language versions of it that is shared among all the people.
I'm given materials by night , resumed all the stuff they discussed about and I put it into
presentation. Making sure it's done by 8 am the next day . I do for the same group lots of CD's that include
educational games , to educate children - this is where SHAPOR comes in handy.
I do all sort of shapes for the little once , they really enjoy it and yet using the shared
object I allow the kids to pick 1 out of the 20 shapes for the next time game load so they can
skin the file according to their preference .
Another branch under the green peace group use my work for African tribes, presentation with narration because some of the people can't read
so whoever play it for them , use dynamically loaded audio , which can be upgraded and share so they
can recycle it within many groups who work in the underdeveloped countries.
These people are none profitable organizations so the first thing they say is "poor as a church mouse" which Is demotivating but , at least with jugglor I can really make it a nice package,
make it expandable for them so the can upgrade at no cost and add on materials or change language at
any time .
I also (to book myself place in heaven ) add free screen saver to the package using Creator PRO.
They all happy because as I said , none profitable . I still need to pay my staff so no free lunch from me , but by adding free things they find overall cost very reasonable .
In fact I got creator pro only for that purpose .
It's hard to ask someone to spend lots of money , especially when freelancers or part-timers students
offer work for 20 % of what I would ask . YOu must work in asia to experience that .
Client here is extremely cost concern , they rather sacrifice quality against the price which does not work in my favor . Therefor making it very attractive and professional assure in majority
times that you get the job .
The second version of Jugglor has lots to offer. Personally love the new feature that allow you to use Browser ActiveX , exporting SWF directly to jugglor file , very small size and the best thing is the screen transparency. You can see through semi alpha buttons text tween right across your desktop w/o flash background.
Custom right click menu , FS command generator , the installers to run it off user drive, it 's all great.
I also love the Splash screen where you can add bitmap image to display prior to the presentation
start. Define time in seconds ,make sure the have enough time to read it
Also by making drive installer and running if ot the HD you improve performance allot .
Adding short cut on desktop so they can run it at any time .
I'm very messy here I know but there is so much stuff I have no idea what you tell you first.
I have been testing all possible tools , only last year 60 over flash related products.
There is few companies doing Flash Projector related tools but you can't compare any to the
new jugglor 2. It's overwhelming what you can do with it . And the performance ... absolutely love it .
I'm not trying to sound smug or show off or anything but because of the first version I already
work with Volvo CD , supporting video (use the Jmovie for it), PDF (jstart to open with with acrobat), the Jugglor of course , Screen Savers , games etc.
Very recent for Tiffany & Co , Valentines give away CD. Some jewels catalog and poems you can send to your dear one . I was closely monitoring the development on version 2, join the beta and
could not wait till they finalize the program. I hold back few projects just to be able to use it .
I would suggest , download the demos and play with it . My experience might not be appealing to you .
There is one more key things I love about these tools. Any time I have problem , the team
is ready to help , they provide great support which is crucial for me .
I'm very loaded with work and my deadlines are crazy , if there is something I need help with
I know I can expect them to get back to me really soon . Plus , they very open for suggestions.
If there is a feature you find useful they might implement in the next release .
During beta we made few suggestions which I notice has been added to the final build .
Really great when you can help shape the application , myself feel very comfortable working with it.
I did not say about many features yet but I guess you would not want to read so much , plus
my english can be challenging to read, I know that
If you need any info , feel free to contact me .
best regards
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