OK... I cannot seem to understand the loop to increase a value by using the i +. Heres the code that I would like to clean up starting at wF1 and continuing to wF45 (i've only included through wF5 to make the post much smaller:
loadWLinks = function() {
	wF1 = _root.wed.viewer.frame1._width;
	wF2 = _root.wed.viewer.frame2._width;
	wF3 = _root.wed.viewer.frame3._width;
	wF4 = _root.wed.viewer.frame4._width;
	wF5 = _root.wed.viewer.frame5._width;
	if (wF1 >= 100) {
		frameB1._visible = 1;
	if (wF2 <= 99) {
		frameB2._visible = 0;
	if (wF3 >= 100) {
		frameB3._visible = 1;
	if (wF4 <= 99) {
		frameB4._visible = 0;
	if (wF5 >= 100) {
		frameB5._visible = 1;
listener.onEnterFrame = loadWLinks;
Thanks for any help anyone may be able to offer.