View Poll Results: Is 3DFA now truly dead?
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this place is a FORUM !
A place where people can speak about the product...(for advantages, tricks, and bad things too) and we don't try to KILL 3dfa ! We love 3DFA ! but we think it's DEAD ! (but we hope not !)
Senior Member
Originally posted by cyber reaper
i think i speek in the name of all of us when i say
this is 3DFA get over it ! you dont like get some other program ! just leave us alone from your stupid annoying complains !
Some of us have been around a little longer cyber reaper. So some of us are curious or bothered that 3DFA IS DEAD. I myself have moved on before it was officially dead. The lack of updates and no response to emails anymore made it obvious, to me anyway. I also think 3DFA should quit selling the product, as it's going to lead noobs to a dead end. I do hope this forum stays open for those who don't want to move on and still enjoy 3DFA. THE END
Mis-placed words
Dear cyber reaper,
Those are some really harsh words, especially when you realize that some of "these People" are among the most respected and helpful in this community.
I am sure that you did not mean to be this harsh.
When you read pass these words from most of these post, these are words that are crying out for a leader. Without leadership there is no community and no product. I would say that Bianus has been somewhat of an official moderator for the 3D Flash forum.
I personally show up here now and then to see if the leader has returned. Now if this was an open source product you would not hear this kind of disparity. Even open source projects need a leader.
I see these post as an undying love and concern for 3D Flash. These are the same individuals who will walk bare foot over broken glass to get this product back on development and of course, you are one of them.
Last edited by rblanc; 07-24-2004 at 10:23 AM.
My Boss just bought the software
I hope its not dead, my boss just bought the software.
If there is realy the end, then he should try to get the money back, aren´t he?
Some Ideas
I have been a user since the 3.7x days. I continue to use the product because it is the only one that I can use to quickly and easily to create flash.
Furthermore, it runs flawlessly on Linux with wine.
If Insane is interested in adandoning the product, they should give the source to the community and we could then continue to improve it and distribute it free of charge.
It would have a new life, active development and new features.
It is a thought.
As an aside, the disappearance of key people indicates a power struggle. Withdrawal of oneself is what happens when power is being fought over. I know because I develop software and have seen great software buried due to these silly things.
Senior Member
I agree 100% about the source. I just opened it up today to do make quick work of something that would an hour inFlash, 5 minutes later I'm done, and moving on to other things.
This is a definite keeper in my toolbox, as long as it's still compatible, I'll still use it... update would sure be nice though
Amazing how people liked 3DFA. It is a pity that it has so few fans. Maybe if there were more 3DFA would return to life.
Senior Member
I doubt it, but I still use it all the time. It's incredibly handy for doing all sorts of things that Flash would take hours to work out, and 3DFA does it quickly and efficiently. I'd seriously be willing to pay another $50 or so to get an updated version(especially one that's bug free).
3DFA hobby scripter
 Originally Posted by zoranvedek
I doubt it, but I still use it all the time. It's incredibly handy for doing all sorts of things that Flash would take hours to work out, and 3DFA does it quickly and efficiently. I'd seriously be willing to pay another $50 or so to get an updated version(especially one that's bug free).
Put me on the list.
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