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Thread: web hosting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    web hosting

    Hey guys I found a cool webhost, www.ultrahost.com they offer free php and all kinds of neat things. I don't like their popups though as advertisments, I even paid their $25 fee to remove popups for a full year but they still show up. Is there any javascript I can add to my code to eliminate popups at the end of my html so it doesnt do any extra coding that their server provides to execute the popups? I hope you are understanding what im trying to say.

    If not, does any one know of a better free hosting site that offers php without advertising? Cuase im using this as a personal page and not a business so they should be available.

  2. #2
    Senior Member MG315's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Houston, TX
    if you paid to have the ads removed and they weren't, contact the host.

    I'd suggest http://www.nexuswebs.net/ for free hosting

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jan 2025
    There are lots of web hosting providers offer free hosting. If you want to do advertising then you have pay them. I think you have to focus on the tools and features they provides. I think DedicatedCore is the best server and hosting platform to fulfill your all needs.

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