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Thread: Flash MX ASP SQL and MS Access nightmare

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2004

    Flash MX ASP SQL and MS Access nightmare

    Im having a nightmare with some script and cant tell if it is my actionscript or asp letting me down.
    I am new to coding and would really appreciate any suggestions you have.

    Basically i have created a simple flash file which speaks to an ms access database via a tidy little asp file.
    It works fine and has no problems so i decided to grow on this success by adding a second element to add a user to the database.

    On to the code...

    I should also mention that Flash MX 2004 kicks up the following in the output pane
    Error opening URL "http://localhost/newuser.asp"
    Error Creating User

    I have attached the developer files because I cant get the formatting to stay with the code in here.

    Action Script
    // first we create the objects
    login_lv = new LoadVars();
    //now we create the function that will happen when this object recieves data
    login_lv.onLoad = function() {
    //check to see if the users info is correct
    if (this.userInfo == "true") {
    userName.text = login_txt.text;
    } else {
    //if the users info was not correct, trace an error, and clean the text fields
    trace("Invalid data");
    login_txt.text = "";
    password_txt.text = "";
    //the function for the login button
    _root.authenticate_btn.onPress = function() {
    // an error will occur if the user didn't enter a login name
    if (login_txt.text.length<1) {
    trace("please provide a login name");
    // an error will occur if the password is not the right length
    } else if (password_txt.text.length<5) {
    trace("invalid password");
    // and clean out the password
    password_txt.text = "";
    } else {
    // this is if everything is fine to send
    // we will store the user information as properties of the LoadVars object
    login_lv.username = login_txt.text;
    login_lv.password = password_txt.text;
    // now we send the data, and wait to recieve something back
    login_lv.sendAndLoad("http://localhost/login.asp", login_lv, "POST");
    newlogin_lv = new LoadVars();
    newlogin_lv.onLoad = function() {
    //check to see if the users info is created
    if (this.newuserinfo == "true") {
    trace("New User Created");
    userName.text = login_txt.text;
    } else {
    //if the users info was not created, trace an error, and clean the text fields
    trace("Error Creating User");
    login_txt.text = "";
    password_txt.text = "";
    //the function for the new user button
    _root.newuser_btn.onPress = function() {
    // an error will occur if the user didn't enter a login name
    if (login_txt.text.length<1) {
    trace("enter a new login name");
    // an error will occur if the password is not the right length
    } else if (password_txt.text.length<1) {
    trace("enter a new password");
    // and clean out the password
    password_txt.text = "";
    } else {
    // this is if everything is fine to send
    // we will store the user information as properties of the LoadVars object
    newlogin_lv.username = login_txt.text;
    newlogin_lv.password = password_txt.text;
    // now we send the data, and wait to recieve something back
    newlogin_lv.sendAndLoad("http://localhost/newuser.asp", newlogin_lv, "POST");
    ASP Code

    <%Option Explicit%>
    '''''''First, get the stuff from flash
    Dim newinusername, newinpassword
    newinusername = Trim(Request("username"))
    newinpassword = Trim(Request("password"))

    '''''''Now, create the connection object
    Dim myConnection
    Set myConnection=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection ")
    myConnection.ConnectionString="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("login.mdb")

    '''''''Here is our SQL statement when we open the Recordset
    Dim loginSQL
    ''loginSQL= "INSERT INTO loginTable (userName,password) "
    ''loginSQL=loginSQL & " Values('" & newinusername & "', '" & newinpassword & "') "
    loginSQL = "INSERT INTO loginTable (userName, password) VALUES ('"& newinusername &"', '"& newinpassword &"')"
    '''''''Create, and open the Recordset
    Dim myRS
    Set myRS=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    myRS.Open loginSQL, myConnection

    Dim newusermessage
    '''''''Clean up everything
    Set myRS=Nothing
    Set myConnection=Nothing

    '''''''Now send the data back to flash
    Last edited by Kevlarsjal; 09-05-2004 at 05:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member scudsucker's Avatar
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    Cape Town, RSA
    It seems to me you ASP is at fault, from those error messages: try this instead.
    ASP Code
    <%Option Explicit%>
    '''''''First, get the stuff from flash
    Dim newinusername, newinpassword
    newinusername = Trim(Request("username"))
    newinpassword = Trim(Request("password"))
    '''''''Now, create the connection object
    Dim myConnection
    Set myConnection=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    myConnection.ConnectionString="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("login.mdb")
    '''''''Here is our SQL statement when we open the Recordset
    Dim loginSQL
    loginSQL = "INSERT INTO loginTable (userName, password) VALUES ('"& newinusername & "', '" & newinpassword & "')"
    '' Recordset is not necessary with INSERT statements
    '''''''Clean up everything
    Set myConnection=Nothing
    '''''''Now send the data back to flash
    Note that you can test this code by going to your ASP page directly in your browser, and adding the values as a querystring:
    http://localhost/newuser.asp?newinusername =TestName&newinpassword=TestPassword

    If you get any errors, then post again with them and I'll have another look.
    Hariyemadzisawira nhaka yedu! Down the SCUD and win!
    I'm too lazy to read Private Messages.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2004
    Thanks for your time, unfortunately the problem persists.

    Exactly the same error occurs in Flash, and entering the info into the browser directly results in :

    Operation must use an updateable query.
    /newuser.asp, line 20

    Some reading suggests this is an access rights issue on the database but my localhost settings all appear correct.

  4. #4
    Junior Member scudsucker's Avatar
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    Cape Town, RSA
    Wierdly, I am getting the same error, no matter what I try- and I do these things for a living as an ASP developer.

    I'll give it another go, on our server instead og my local IIS.
    Hariyemadzisawira nhaka yedu! Down the SCUD and win!
    I'm too lazy to read Private Messages.

  5. #5
    Junior Member scudsucker's Avatar
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    Cape Town, RSA
    When I tried it on the live server- a copy/paste method, of course it worked. I hate MS Access!

    So, you have to try to get write permission on the database in IIS.

    Here's an up=dated ASP page for you, with error messages if the username/password combo already exists:
    <% Option Explicit %>
    '''''''First, get the stuff from flash
    Dim newinusername, newinpassword
    newinusername = Trim(Request("username"))
    newinpassword = Trim(Request("password"))
    '''''''Now, create the connection object
    Dim myConnection
    Set myConnection=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Dim sConn : sConn="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("login.mdb")
    myConnection.Open sConn
    Dim rs
    Set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    Dim newusermessage : newusermessage="&newuserinfo=false"
    '''''''Here is our SQL statement when we open the Recordset
    If(newinusername<>"" And newinpassword<>"") Then
    	Dim loginSQL
    	loginSQL = "SELECT userName, password FROM loginTable WHERE username= '" & newinusername & "' AND password='" & newinpassword & "'"
    	rs.Open loginSQL,myConnection,2,3,1
    	If (rs.EOF or rs.BOF) then
    		'' we can safely add the user
    		' The user already exists
    		newusermessage=newusermessage & "&error=UserExistsAlready"
    		End If
    	'''''''Clean up everything
    	Set rs=Nothing
    	Set myConnection=Nothing
    	' Either name or password didnt get through.
    	newusermessage=newusermessage & "&error=NoNameOrPassword"
    	End If
    '''''''Now send the data back to flash
    Hariyemadzisawira nhaka yedu! Down the SCUD and win!
    I'm too lazy to read Private Messages.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2004
    Thank you very much for your time.

    I will have to try and find some decent webhosting which supports this kind of skullduggery and test it.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2004

    Must use updatable query

    The problem is that your local machine account does not have write privilages to your DB. i.e. on that file it needs to have write permissions for the account : MachineName\iusr_MachineName
    give that account write permissions to your database file or the folder that it resides in.

  8. #8

    question: where?

    where is insert that code (actionscript)??
    is it in the botton? or when the movie runs??

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