
Allow me to intro.........DO YOU WANT A COMPETITION OR NOT!?

Ok, so maybe that was a bit harsh. Maybe it's my inner demon saying that its been way too long since we I hosted one. I know that you guys just finished one about 2 months ago, but we can't break the yearly 48 HFKC now can we? Are ppl too exhausted after the one that was just hosted or are people ready for another completely random and idiosyncratic topic? Well lemme just say that this year's topic will be a bit.....different.

Now in order to convince all of you, please copy paste this link and go to the page and repeat after me: I will participate in this year's 48 hour flashkit competition, husband or wife, job or schoool and family are secondary. Yay! ( you don't have to repeat the "yay" part)

www.geocities.com/beatcow/patternmaker.swf [COPY/PASTE]