I am having a problem with my variables not responding as I would like them to.

The response that I get is it returns the first variable on the last script below #6 and goes to the "Scene2about" when the button on script #3 is invoked. But when the button on script #5, is invoked the script on #6 will not recognize the variable and goes to "Scene2about" in the main movie when I want it to go to "Scene2contact"!

How do I correct this and make it work correctly?

My next problem is how do I target a particular point in a loaded movie for the player to go to, and proceed from that point (Script #3 & Script #5). I have multiple positions in a time line on a particular Movie Clip Instance within the Movie Clip that is loaded into level10 that I want the player to go to. I tried to add invisible Movie Clips with instance names into positions on this time line so to target them and then target the flagged frames within this particular movies time line so that the player proceeds to it, but when the script is invoked I get no reaction from it, even thou I have targeted the instance names and address exactly. It seems that I can only target the movies time line it self and not position with in it the way that I am scripting it, and not multiple positions on the same time line as I would like it to. I can only get the script to reach to one line of code with the same address, and usually it is the last one in the chain of actions for it to compare. What to do I really want it to go to were I want it to within this loaded Movie Clip?!!!! Also the last part of the script #3 & #5 is not working either. I would like it if nothing is invoked upon on the loaded Movie Clip on level10, that when the invisible button is released the script would direct the _root.main movie to a scene that the invisible button represents even thou a movie has been loaded into level10, and would be removed as the scene changes to the new one. HELP!?!

Sample Script on #3 & #5:

on (release) {
_global._level0.Page.about.aboutMC = "1";
if (_root.Page = _level10) {
} else if (_root.Page3 = _root.Page3) {

How do I control position of the play-head with multiple targets within the same movie clip instance loaded into a level, and direct the main movie to play another scene if nothing is invoked upon the Movie Clip that is loaded into a the level in the scene of the main movie?

Current Script Samples in my movie:

1) //This script is on a frame at the end of a time line, in a Movie Clip that loads into Level10 on the mian movie.

if (aboutMC = "1") {
} else if (contactMC = "2") {

2) //This script is on a Movie Clip (2) that holds the invisible button (about) in the main movie.

onClipEvent (load) {
set(_global._level0.Page.about.aboutMC, 1);

3) //Script on invisilble button 1 (about) in movie, on main movie.

on (release) {
_global._level0.Page.about.aboutMC = "1";
if (_root.Page = _level10) {
} else if (_root.Page3 = _root.Page3) {

4) //This script is on a Movie Clip (2) that holds the invisible button (contact) in the main movie.

onClipEvent (load) {
set(_global._level0.Page.contact.contactMC, 2);

5) //Script on invisilble button 2 (contact) in movie, on main movie.

on (release) {
_global._level0.Page.contact.contactMC = "2";
if (_root.Page = _level10) {
} else if (_root.Page3 = _root.Page3) {

6) //This script is on a frame at the end of a time line, in a Movie Clip that loads into Level10 on the mian movie.

if (aboutMC = "1") {
} else if (contactMC = "2") {