I am attemtping to create a simple player to read ID3 tags and display them in a dynamic text field. Is this supported with Version 6?

I've only been truely learning ActionScripting for about a month now and the book I'm using to teach me says everything in my code should work. Am I missing something or is it the version of Flash MX?

Here is my code:

I have tried:
//first try
play_btn.onRelease = function(){
songPlaying_sound.loadSound("punk/bad_religion-ten_in_2010.mp3", true);
artist_txt.text = songPlaying_sound.id3.songname + " - " + songPlaying_sound.id3.artist;
songPlaying_sound.start (0, 0);

//second try
play_btn.onRelease = function(){
songPlaying_sound.loadSound("punk/bad_religion-ten_in_2010.mp3", true);
artist_txt.text = songPlaying_sound.id3.TIT2 + " - " + songPlaying_sound.id3.TPE1;
songPlaying_sound.start (0, 0);

//third try
play_btn.onRelease = function(){
songPlaying_sound.loadSound("punk/bad_religion-ten_in_2010.mp3", true);
songPlaying_sound.onID3 = function(){
artist_txt.text = songPlaying_sound.id3.songname + " - " + songPlaying_sound.id3.artist;
songPlaying_sound.start (0, 0);

The first and second try display the " - " but no ID3 tags. The third try display nothing. I have verified the mp3 has both ID3v1 and ID3v2 (the book says version 6 supports ID3v1 but not ID3v2). Is there somthing I'm doing wrong or is it the version I'm using.

Thanks for any help.