
i have a script that duplicates mc dynamicly, and i have a mc preloader prototype, now i want to let the for loop stops looping if the image isn't loaded. and it have to load after each other, just like: 1,2,3,4,5 and so on...... (the backgrounds wich are duplicated in the same clip are also visible before the image is preloaded, i want that there is only one visible in wich the image is currently loading!)

the following small code is within a for loop for preloading images(works fine)!:


myMCL.loadClip("images/photo_gallery/thumbs/"+ap[z].photo+".jpg", this["mcPhotoHolder"+z].mcThumb);

total for loop code:


function showArray()

nbrCols = 4;
// Space between objects [horizontal, vertical]
rraGutter = [1, 12];
for (var z = 0; z<ap.length; z++)
mcPhotoHolder.duplicateMovieClip("mcPhotoHolder"+z , z);
this["mcPhotoHolder"+z]._x = (this["mcPhotoHolder"+z]._width+rraGutter[0])*(z%nbrCols);
this["mcPhotoHolder"+z]._y = (this["mcPhotoHolder"+z]._height+rraGutter[1])*Math.floor(z/nbrCols);

//define click actions
this["mcPhotoHolder"+z].large = ap[z].photo;

myMCL.loadClip("images/photo_gallery/thumbs/"+ap[z].photo+".jpg", this["mcPhotoHolder"+z].mcThumb);


myMCL = new MovieClipLoader();
myListener = new Object();

myListener.onLoadStart = function(targetMC)
totalBytes = targetMC.getBytesTotal();
trace("The total bytes of img1 is "+totalBytes);

myListener.onLoadProgress = function (targetMC, bytesLoaded, bytesTotal)
percentBytes = Math.round((bytesLoaded/bytesTotal)*100);
trace(percentBytes+" %"); = percentBytes;
myListener.onLoadComplete = function(targetMC)
targetMC._alpha = 0;
targetMC.onEnterFrame = function()
//start an onenterframe loop
if (targetMC._alpha <= 99)
targetMC._alpha += 17;
else if(targetMC >=99)
targetMC._alpha = 100;
delete targetMC.onEnterFrame;
//delete the loop