Senior Member
Wanna Be..
Those are some amazing pictures.. Nicely done gallery.. hows it done???
 Originally Posted by WannaBe_80z
Why wait?? I want to know now how this great work is done!!
long loading time (30 sec) here though I am on DSL connection.
Great site and outstanding photography...just the "next and last" arrows are a bit small
FK'n Elitist Super Mod
Threads merged.
Big_Up_Ya.....nice site. Great photos as well, but wow do you know how to make someone's feet look huge. Ya' might want to downplay the largeness of the female foot 
Good work man.
Writer and E-Music Hobbyist
Sad to say that I don't have my own website, but I'm an ameteuar photographer and... if you looked at my galleries, you could tell I'm a nature lover
Senior Member
Senior Member
Ctranter, I just went to both sides of your site. I love the changes you have made SO smooth and so good. Not sure how else to say how good it is.
"Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous."- T. McKenna
Senior Member
 Originally Posted by WannaBe_80z
Ctranter, I just went to both sides of your site. I love the changes you have made SO smooth and so good. Not sure how else to say how good it is. 
 Originally Posted by EVPohovich
Threads merged.
Big_Up_Ya.....nice site. Great photos as well, but wow do you know how to make someone's feet look huge. Ya' might want to downplay the largeness of the female foot
Good work man.
Thanks, I'm glad you like it the site. The shots you are refering to are advertising the shoes. They have been shot like this on purpose.
Big_Up_Ya your site is great except for one minor yet very annoying thing - the hit area on your next and previous buttons is only on the text, you should fill it in with a rectangle.
Design & Photography
heres my blog
i plan to start up dating it nearly every other day, or at least a few times a week can it be added to the list
Senior Member
Senior Member
Great blog you have going there phil. All this talk about photoblogs I really need to make/modify a template(mine is so boring) and get back to taking photos!
ps: I really love this photo of your phil. http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/1...0/DSC_0037.jpg
"Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous."- T. McKenna
thanks wannabe, as i say i have been trying to keep it up to date once a week or so but as u can see by the posts its not always the case. i love that photo my self plan to go back there someday and get a few more of the place.
on the subject of modding a template for your blog, once slinky gets back from america i plan to rope him into making my self some kind of personalised site for my blog and other bits and not just putting stuff on blogspot
Last edited by phil-ray; 07-06-2006 at 03:07 PM.
Changed my blog around a bit also, including the location.. www.fotoblizzle.njp3.com
finally got some archives working on there too.
Senior Member
mine's not very good, and its more of a photo "diary" of my trip to california in april, rather than a portfoilo or photo-blog.
the interface is just a little prototype i came up with a few months ago, needs work doing to it, i just cant think what, maybe you give me some ideas? 
here it is
Senior Member
ok should be updated
Registered User
Mom said "make me a Mod"
this is my gallery online
been in my signature for a while, some FK'ers has already find there way there
so you lot might as well go 
there are three pages I guess
C&C are highly appreciated
Last edited by el-Ignoramus; 07-10-2006 at 02:39 AM.
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