Ok could somone please explain to me in depth how to animate lets say a Box? Without using the tools that come with Swift 3D. I would like to use a Adobe Illustrator for this.
So could someone explain to me how i would go about this is GREAT detail. Because i keep seeing cool 3D Animations and all the guys say is "I created the image in Illustrator and used Swift 3D to animate it"........well i knew that but did they have to create like 50 million images in illustrator to get the effect or somthin? Thanks in advance
Senior Moderator Defender of the Faith
More than likely they are just importing a drawing that they made and then extrude it. they plan out the parts that they will need like I did the meatball fighter or the castel in my earilier post. You bring the front, sides, back, flag etc and extrude them to the deapth you want. Then just assemble them and group them together as a singel object then animate it. Thats all it is. If you want a copy of the metball or castel just email me and I will send the ai files that I used to make them so you can see what it is you need to do. Regards, Bill
[Edited by Pope de Flash on 07-08-2000 at 07:44 PM]
Ok so let me get this straight. . .if i want lets say a 3D Box to like twist and turn i have to open up Illustrator design each and every angle and for each angle save it as a .eps file format and then open up Swift 3D and assemble all the angles to create an animation? Did i get that right?
Note: Please send me the email attachment that ya got to zytariuk@home.com thanks
Senior Moderator Defender of the Faith
No a cube primitive is done with a charater map. You need to spend a little time in the manual that came with the program. That is explained in the book. Its a very easy read and I suggest you spend some time in it. If you have never worked in 3D then thats what you need to do. You should also pick up blender from http://www.blender.nl for a free copy of a fully funcitoning 3D program. Regards, Bill
Witch manual the one that came with Illustrator or the one with Swift 3D?
I know the cube was just an example, but a small tip about cubes and Swift:
Insert text into your swift document, choose windings as the font and select the black square
swift automatically ads 3D to it, so here is your cube!
(I'd remove the bevels;
there are many more fonts than windings that can do that)
ok i hope i could help...
ERrr ok then a person. . .
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