Senior Member
Before posting the first time please read the rules
Keep it simple
Please do not ask questions that would require a book as an answer.
Programming is about putting individual pieces together to form a greater whole.
Keep your questions to specific pieces or make it clear that you just want advice on the logic, not the entire application built for you.
Complex questions scare answers away.
Programming is about putting the pieces together.
Ask about a specific piece once at a time or make it clear that you just want advices on the logic, not the entire application build for you.
Complex questions scare answers away.
Flash Version
This forum is for questions related to Flash 8. If you are using Flash 8 but your question is about a specific topic, post your thread in the forum that best suits your question. Here's the list of FlashKit's forums.
Keep Questions in the Forums
Please do not PM or email other users with questions. That is the purpose of the forums.
Be patient...other people have the right to decide when they want to help.
Mark Thread Resolved
Be clear about whether your problem has been solved or not.
If your questions have been answered, mark your thread resolved.
Saying "I'll look at it later when I get home from school or work" doesn't add anything of value to the thread.
Instead of simply saying that you have solved your problem, take the time to post the solution so that others may benefit from it.
Using the search function is a great way to unlock many of Flash Kit's secrets. It can also lead you to a great deal of valuable information on the internet as a whole. There is a wealth of knowledge all around you if you but take a moment and look for it.
To help you take advantage of this resource Flash Kit has provided an advanced search function which can be found near the top of each page. You can also visit google and just type in some keywords. Remember that keywords are just that...your keys to knowledge. Each one you find will open another door and take you one step further on your journey.
Another resource that is often overlooked and certainly underused would be the help files that come with Flash. If you have a question about a specific tool or function, many of the answers are sitting right there on your computer. Taking a look through the help file will take a lot less time than posting a question and then waiting for a response. Taking responsibility for your own learning will benefit you far more than relying on others to provide the answers for you.
Thanks for your cooperation. 
Last edited by cancerinform; 06-23-2006 at 09:57 AM.
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