That web bloke
 Originally Posted by w.brants
Where do you see that ? 
undead creature
 Originally Posted by Stoke Laurie
Originally Posted by w.brants
you would see them sorted in alfabetical order.
al phabetical! 
alfabetical in Europe and alphabetical is US.
ha ha ha (just kidding)
But Stoke, for future try to eat the cake, not the plate !
up to my .as in code
I uploaded the mini chat.
Last edited by Chris_Seahorn; 06-08-2006 at 12:25 AM.
up to my .as in code
Last edited by Chris_Seahorn; 06-08-2006 at 12:25 AM.
That web bloke
Come on England!
 Originally Posted by necromanthus
alfabetical in Europe and alphabetical is US.
ha ha ha (just kidding)
But Stoke, for future try to eat the cake, not the plate !
No offence intended guys, by the way England is in Europe!,
and as a gesture of apology I can make you all honorary English so you can enjoy winning the world cup too!
undead creature
 Originally Posted by Stoke Laurie
by the way England is in Europe!,
OMG ... I thought England is a planet in the Andromeda galaxy.
 Originally Posted by Stoke Laurie
I can make you all honorary English so you can enjoy winning the world cup too!
Not a chance !
I bet on Brazil.
Brazil has nothing to do with Brasil ... ha ha ha
up to my .as in code
What's with the stars next to some downloads?
It's some sort of rating system.
Several people wanted it. I hesitated a lot to implement it because of the negative respone I might get from contributers. It's very hard to get a fair rating system. A user based rating system would cause a lot of problems since the KM user base is much smaller compared to flash. That way it would be very easy for a contributer to get five stars just by voting a few times or asking some friends to do so. So it has become a moderator based rating system and we agreed not to rate our own contributions.
If KM users have an opinion on if the KoolExchange needs a rating system or not and why, feel free to share it. Also if some of the contributers prefer not to be rated, you are also welcome to mention it since it's easy for the moderators to clear the rating of a contribution.
up to my .as in code
I see. Thanks for the response.
That web bloke
Just an idea
Wondering if perhaps a feedback system in the form of a bolt on guest book may give contributors indication of requests for further examples or solutions to problems, plus a comment about what they feel about existing contributions.
ps do I get some extra stars for thisi!!!!!!
There's three moderators now for KoolExchange so I activated the moderator approval. With an 8 hour time interval an automatic check is performed. If there are new submissions all moderators will get a notification by e-mail about it. So normally a submission will be approved within 24 hours.
That web bloke
 Originally Posted by w.brants
That way it would be very easy for a contributer to get five stars just by voting a few times or asking some friends to do so.
Do you think we help out here as an ego thing?
Who are the 3 mods?
What are they looking for?
Last edited by Stoke Laurie; 06-08-2006 at 02:36 PM.
 Originally Posted by Stoke Laurie
Do you think we help out here as an ego thing?
No, I don't but there's a lot of KM users and not everyone is the same.
Besides that it isn't the only reason. Another problem with a user based rating system is that it would require a complete user registration system. It already took me a lot of hours to create the current system. I'm not very eager at the moment to implement one. Third issue is that it will generate more database update queries and data traffic and I'm always trying to keep things as fast as possible.
 Originally Posted by Stoke Laurie
Who are the 3 mods?
I'm one of them. The other two are other KM users.
 Originally Posted by Stoke Laurie
What are they looking for?
Most important just test if it works.
There's always little things that can go wrong like forgetting to include images a fun file requires, hardcoding file paths etc.
Besides that it's also a way of preventing abuse. On a regular basis I encounter sites that are abused for promoting some sort of product when unauthorized database inserts are allowed. Especially those guys who are promoting products like V1agra and C1al1s always search for ways to draw attention to their product.
That web bloke
 Originally Posted by w.brants
No, I don't but there's a lot of KM users and not everyone is the same.
not sure what that means, as my experience has always been that numerous contributors have been generous in their answers and help.
 Originally Posted by w.brants
Third issue is that it will generate more database update queries and data traffic and I'm always trying to keep things as fast as possible.
In that case drop the stars, as its all subjective anyway, and people are not particularly interested in a 5star solution to a problem they don't have
 Originally Posted by w.brants
I'm one of them. The other two are other KM users.
why the secrecy?
 Originally Posted by w.brants
Besides that it's also a way of preventing abuse. On a regular basis I encounter sites that are abused for promoting some sort of product when unauthorized database inserts are allowed. Especially those guys who are promoting products like V1agra and C1al1s always search for ways to draw attention to their product.
I completly agree
I don't want to start a battle of words and an extended thread, I have already expressed my appreciation of the resource, and thanked you for your time and effort in helping to provide it.
KoolMoves Moderator
I just happy we have the resource, Not sure about the star ratings but if it helps know what the mods reccomend maybe it's usefull.
As for him not mentioning who's doing the approvals I'm guessing its so there is no finger pointing if for instance if a submission doesn't get a high rating. For me I say we wait and see how it goes.
 Originally Posted by Stoke Laurie
In that case drop the stars
I hear what you are saying and can agree with it to some extent. You have to understand that although I programmed the KoolExchange web application it's an official KM site. I didn't decide on my own to put the rating system in and I can't decide on my own to take it out. I do think it can help visitors but I also agree its subjective. Maybe we should have some sort of poll here to figure out how the KM community feels about it.
up to my .as in code
They have to remain. All exchanges rate. If anyone disagrees with anything there...don't participate. Infighting about anything to do with the exchange risks Lucky Monkey dropping it for causing problems and risks current and future Koolmoves users losing it. We all can't be happy...rules have to be made...and kept...regardless of feelings. Mine, yours, Stokes and everyones collectively. I mention me because my backside is in there putting things in it. I mention you because you built it. I mention Stokes, because like me, he's in there Stokin. I mention everyone collectively because it's all for you.
Decisions were made...the stars are there...it's done. Now fill it. We cannot risk losing the resource created and all the work to get here for stars.
Last edited by Chris_Seahorn; 06-09-2006 at 12:45 AM.
I atill want to know who are the mods?
I just found out...nevermind
That web bloke
Ok lets agree that whatever system we have or dont have is accademic without contributions, and let us get back to submitting. (some files that is, not giving in!)
and regain the imputus that existed this time last week.
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