up to my .as in code
Well put Stoke. I owe you a round at the pub.
KoolMoves Moderator
Yeah I notice there wasn't anything new last few days. I'm working on a couple more
up to my .as in code
I've been swamped with work but I'll get a few more in.
Last edited by Chris_Seahorn; 06-10-2006 at 10:47 PM.
KoolMoves Moderator
I just posted a couple, waiting for approval..
up to my .as in code
I'll split some time off tomorrow to get a few more in as well.
We are just getting our legs on this project. It's the beginning of something that a year from now, you will all be able to look back on and feel good about. The stars right now seem important, but that is because we have what, 25 files? When we have a thousand they won't matter so much...and after that it will be like Wilbert said....a guide. It will be self sustaining because people will want to be a part of it.
Any submission is a good one. All things are worthy...from the simplest button to the most complicated tutorial belongs. We need them all. I can't draw to save my life so I'm useless in a lot of categories...but I know this platform has people capable in all categories. Some are new like me and Stoke.....some are old friends like Remus and Wilbert....some have yet to arrive but come they will and that is where they will go once they do. You all have a chance to be part of it in whatever way you choose with whatever you have to offer.
If we can just get our legs, all of us together, we'll be ok.
Last edited by Chris_Seahorn; 06-10-2006 at 02:29 AM.
up to my .as in code
Hey Wilbert...could I get that General Server Side category back. I have a bunch of items that are not xml or mysql but use things like PHP. Like the backends I snake with and all different things(Twisted listers...tons of flavors, etc).
I'm making one right this minute that shows how to use LoadVars sendAndLoads sending POSTs and picked up with PHP Switch statements and case/break. I think tomorrow I'll also have the same in an if/else flavor. These are must know things for all flashers into external data. You will use these. I would like to put them in a General Server Side if possible because I have more to come.
They are cool little all-in-ones that have the entire php script for copy/paste and the entire actionscript to create the buttons and return textfield created with scripting ready to paste in a blank movie. If approved that is
Last edited by Chris_Seahorn; 06-10-2006 at 04:15 AM.
 Originally Posted by Chris_Seahorn
Hey Wilbert...could I get that General Server Side category back
Fun with backends ?
Or should I name that differently ?
That web bloke
Three nice pieces there Bret cheers
That web bloke
 Originally Posted by w.brants
Fun with backends ?
Or should I name that differently ?
Suggestions anyone?
Ha ha ha
Good to see the fun is back in Kool moves
up to my .as in code
'Fun with backends' is added again.
For those who want to show the latest 10 additions on their website
up to my .as in code
Thank you sir
Last edited by Chris_Seahorn; 06-10-2006 at 10:46 PM.
up to my .as in code
Nice touch with the RSS feed Wilbert. I'm going to display it in my core constantly (once I code a small rss window that is ). Any plans on adding a tiny rss graphic at the exchange with a tooltip to remind users and on graphic click loading the feed url in a window or url textfield copy/paste box right inside the movie? It would compliment that nice addition of a feed.
Last edited by Chris_Seahorn; 06-10-2006 at 11:46 PM.
Senior Member
Just added two background scenes that can be used in a animation. Or use it as you like. I don't care what Bret or Wilbert rates them at (didn't want to rate my own). Just hope someone finds some use for them. I need to go through my old cd's and see what I have saved. I know I've deleted alot.
Senior Member
So far, nice work guys, on the stuff you've submitted so far! Looks like KoolExchange will have alot of stuff before long.
 Originally Posted by Chris_Seahorn
Any plans on adding a tiny rss graphic.
I don't know yet Chris. That orange color is very dominant compared to the rest. I also don't know how Bob feels about it.
 Originally Posted by FLASHPULSE
I don't care what Bret or Wilbert rates them at (didn't want to rate my own). Just hope someone finds some use for them. I need to go through my old cd's and see what I have saved. I know I've deleted alot. 
I tried to rate them in their own category. You can't compare clip-art with a database driven web application. It's two totally different things. What I like about the street scene very much is that you show in a nice way how the flash 8 filters can be used for cartoons.
Sorry to hear you deleted a lot. It's good to also have some nice cartoons and clip-art available for download.
Last edited by w.brants; 06-11-2006 at 04:10 AM.
up to my .as in code
Forget I mentioned.
I'm just happy to have the feed to pull in
 Originally Posted by FLASHPULSE
So far, nice work guys, on the stuff you've submitted so far! 
I agree and of course that includes you too Joe.
It's nice to see the exchange is being used. That's what it's there for.
undead creature
 Originally Posted by FLASHPULSE
I don't care what Bret or Wilbert rates them at (didn't want to rate my own). Just hope someone finds some use for them.
Indeed. This is much more important.
Congrats for the Lipsync. Good job !
Senior Member
 Originally Posted by Congrats for the [b
Lipsync[/b]. Good job !

Hey, you helped. Couldn't have done it without your actionscript.
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