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Thread: KoolExchange

  1. #81
    Senior Member FLASHPULSE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by w.brants
    It's nice to see the exchange is being used.
    I find this really great. I like seeing what others create and I don't mind sharing.

    Also, I don't think Flash Lipsync deserves 5 stars. It's not the easiest or quickest way to do lipsyncing and I might end up updating it. It depends if and when Bob adds sound scrubbing to the time-line. If this gets added, there's a whole new way to do lipsyncing and more for that matter.
    Last edited by FLASHPULSE; 06-11-2006 at 12:02 PM.

  2. #82
    Senior Member FLASHPULSE's Avatar
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    Nov 2002
    What's the exact size of the preview box?

  3. #83
    up to my .as in code Chris_Seahorn's Avatar
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    It's really awesome Joe. Both the app and that you offered it up. 6 stars if possible The pics I think the target to stay under is 120x120. Check the FAQ.

  4. #84
    Senior Member
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    You are right Chris.
    It's 120 x 120 pixels. Larger movies and images are scaled down at runtime to fit, smaller images are centered unscaled.

  5. #85
    Senior Member FLASHPULSE's Avatar
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    Thanks guys!

  6. #86
    up to my .as in code Chris_Seahorn's Avatar
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    I have a couple more coming next month.

  7. #87
    up to my .as in code Chris_Seahorn's Avatar
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    With three heads running the Exchange I'm surprised Bob's standalone IE ActiveX Fix tool isn't listed. Not only should it be, it would be the most useful item listed there if it were. Tucked in a thread doesn't give that link the respect it deserves.

  8. #88
    Senior Member
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    I will submit it. I am glad it is appreciated.

    I was resentful that I had to divert my attention from improving koolmoves to providing a fix for IE's problem.

  9. #89

  10. #90
    up to my .as in code Chris_Seahorn's Avatar
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    Submissions have been sparse. I'm going to stick my neck out and submit some MySQL items. First one is in...few more coming today.

    Comon people...we need files!!!!!

  11. #91

  12. #92
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris_Seahorn
    Submissions have been sparse. I'm going to stick my neck out and submit some MySQL items. First one is in...few more coming today.

    Comon people...we need files!!!!!
    Nice work Chris !
    I have thought about submitting but I just haven't got a clue what KM users would like to see.

  13. #93
    That web bloke Stoke Laurie's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by w.brants
    Nice work Chris !
    I have thought about submitting but I just haven't got a clue what KM users would like to see.
    I think that contributions should fall into one of three categories:
    1. Straightforward basic quick start examples and tutorials that give new users the confidence to begin producing straight away, and getting instant gratification from their investment in new software.
    2. A collection of examples that inspire thought towards developing solutions perhaps that the user did not realise was within their scope.
    3. Examples of interaction with Koolmoves flash with external environments like databases.
    If we can contribute to all these areas then we will have achieved not only a very credible showcase for Koolmoves but also an enviable resource for us all to take value from.

  14. #94
    Junior Member
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    I downloaded a couple of them but when I tryed to open them it said I the files were made with a newer vision than the one I have, Figures
    Have a great weekend everyone

  15. #95
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stoke Laurie
    If we can contribute to all these areas then we will have achieved not only a very credible showcase for Koolmoves but also an enviable resource for us all to take value from.
    You may be right about that.
    And of course let's not forget about templates. Those are always popular. Your templates are downloaded a lot (I like the changing dress color of your latest contribution) Unfortunately I'm not good at creating templates so I'll stick to scripting I think.

  16. #96
    That web bloke Stoke Laurie's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    And I am rubbish at scripting, so that sounds a kool exchange to me!

  17. #97
    KoolMoves Moderator blanius's Avatar
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    Atlanta GA
    Quote Originally Posted by MzDonita
    I downloaded a couple of them but when I tryed to open them it said I the files were made with a newer vision than the one I have, Figures
    Have a great weekend everyone
    What version do you have, I've checked many of them and they work in the current release. 5.4.2

  18. #98
    up to my .as in code Chris_Seahorn's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    I have to conserve bandwidth for some live builds at my website so I'm going to drop the MP3 player from my core to save some juice for other things. Instead of wasting the coding I'm going to slice it out of my main and set it up as a KoolExchange submission. It will look and act exactly like it does at my website now and be XML based (submitted to that category).

    Just decided it so thought I'd mention

    EDIT: I want the submission to work right from the package so to not violate any copyrights I'll use some fruity loop MP3's with fake entries for things like the mouseover track info and package it with them. This way you can see it function immediately and understand how the backend relates to the frontend better. Should be submitted by tomorrow or late tonight.

  19. #99
    up to my .as in code Chris_Seahorn's Avatar
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    It's sliced out. Here is what the submission will be:


    I'm going to submit it with an xml file that links to a few of my MP3's to avoid copyright issues. Users can then edit it to reflect their songs and directories.

    EDIT:Submitted this A.M.

  20. #100
    up to my .as in code Chris_Seahorn's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    Thanks for the added real estate in the title field. My "Bu" is now a "Button".
    You guys rock. It's those little touches that makes this KM team stand out.

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