Senior Member
I didnt make this, and I forgot how i found it but its an AS2.0 to 3.0 converter that works pretty good.
k, here's a link to something I made at work, some simple examples to help someone convert from AS2 to AS3...nothing new I'm sure, but I wish I saw it when I first started learning AS3!
[CLASS] XMLLoader CLass (AS3)
I recently released a class (XMLLoader) and after some suggestions and further research, I decided to revamp the class entirely. With this comes some good news and bad news. Bad news first, the class no longer automatically creates the event listener for you. This is not a big lose. I just wanted to keep to Encapsulation standards.
[CLASS] VideoViewer Class (AS3)
The VideoViewer Class is a class I created to quickly put together a video player in a matter of minutes. This is just part of a package that includes other classes such as the ProgressionBar Class which controls the scrubber and the time line. I will release the other classes at a later date.
I haven't looked at your class yet, but I did want to post and say thanks for contributing to the community.
New Papervision Video Tutorial - Clickable Objects
Hey all,
Just sharing my latest tutorial on Papervision 3D. This video tutorial that I put together features an exercise that demonstrates how to make objects clickable in Papervision.
Heres the link: http://www.madvertices.com/2008/08/i...-exercise.html
Note: you may need to scroll to view the full captions at the bottom of the screen
I've also posted up a bunch of new blogs/walk-throughs of various Papervision features including the bend and twist modifiers.
Cheers everyone! Happy Flashing.
Function Utility Functions
I've just posted a blog entry about some utility functions I just wrote.
One of the questions that comes up a lot here is "how do I pass extra values to my event listener?" This package addresses that and more.
closurizeOutput.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, FunctionUtils.closurizeEventHandler(cfunc, [1, 'test']));
//... later
private function cfunc(event:MouseEvent, n:int, s:String):void
var tf:TextField = event.currentTarget as TextField;
tf.text = n + ": " + s; //should change textfield to '1: test'
This does just what you'd expect: on click, cfunc is called with the event, 1, and 'test' arguments.
Also included in the package are thunk creation and memoization wrapper functions.
With help and feedback from neznein9, I've improved the FunctionUtils just a bit.
The same link above will take you to the new files.
Improvements include:
small bugfix in closurizeEventHandler, use more natural rest syntax in closurizeEventHandler and thunkify, and allowing both thisObj and non-thisObj versions of thunkify.
Example call:
closurizeOutput.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, FunctionUtils.closurizeEventHandler(cfunc, 1, 'test'));
//... the rest is same as previous post
ExternalInterface utility
I've created a utility class to make it easy to expose functions through ExternalInterface.
The names of all exposed functions are put into an array, which is available through a function "getFunctionNames". getFunctionNames itself is exposed to javascript. There is also a "describeFunctions" function which returns a JSON string describing all exposed functions and arrays of their parameter types. These can be used for introspection on the javascript side. The example page automatically puts up buttons and input/output fields for each exposed function.
To do the JSON export, this now depends on as3corelib.
First, if you're using Flex or FlashDevelop with the mxmlc compiler, you can use the nifty [Exposable] tags. In FlashDevelop, open up your project->properties->compiler options dialog, and put this in the "additional compiler options" box:
Make sure that's "+=", rather than "=", otherwise other tags won't be preserved.
Second, import me.cosmodro.utils.ExposureUtil;
You can tag methods to expose via [Exposable], like so:
public function anotherPublicFunction(i:int):void
Or, if you want to override the function name, you can do it like this:
public function yetAnotherPublicFunction():void
If you're not using the mxmlc compiler, you can still expose all public functions (either inherited or only declared in the class) via:
ExposureUtil.expose(this, "");
The second argument there is an optional prefix to be added to all the js identifiers for this class. It would be useful if you're exposing more than one class for some reason.
There are two more parameters to expose, both booleans. The first is "tagOnly", which determines whether only tagged or all public functions are exposed.
The second is "inheritedToo", which determines if inherited functions are also exposed.
There's also a passthrough function for ExternalInterface.addCallback, but it takes a third argument which is an Array of Strings for the parameter types to expose through describeFunctions.
Try the demo
And get the source
Original blog post:
Compiz-like window behavior
some time ago i wrote a proof-of-concept implementation of a quite crude compositing-ready windowing system: since i don't plan to spend some time on it sooner i thought it would be better to release the code in case someone interested could adapt to its needs: despite it's early-stages of development (and me tormenting something else) it's free for everyone to use 
If you happen to modify and add your own effects and other stuff just let me know and i'll be happy to link back to you!
The demo can be found here or you can download the sources from here.
Can any one help AS3 Saving motion AS 3
Im new to AS3 , I have some clarification.. Iam using 3 images in 3 layer. first image start with frame and tween motion.
2 image will start 28th frame ( tween - from smaller to bigger image) start in 40th frame .will blur
when I save as motion. I got a error
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at fl.motion::Animator/set time()
at fl.motion::Animator/rewind()
at fl.motion::Animator/play()
at important_fla::MainTimeline/important_fla::frame1()
Iam basically new to flash AS 3 using Motion script.. can any one help me out that :
2 and 3 images Iam using after 28th frame. So frame 1 there is NO image. pls suggest what I have to do.
[droste effect]
Droste effect? Now he´s a bit of a weirdo… you might say. Nuts to you! When I fetched an old paperback with prints of Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher, I was once again charmed by his pictures that I started to read up on how these art is created (more info´s on 'how to' in my blog).
So here´s my first result of building a kind of Droste effect with flash...

I´m bound to say that my current approach of this effect isn´t nearly as sophisticated as the MathMap standard, but to manipulate pixels partly performant in realtime with flash still is a challenge separately. 
AS3 Reflection Classes
Hey All,
Just finished a couple reflection classes. It sort of resembles the functionality of the OS X dock. Started with some help from pixelfumes and went from there. Enjoy.
What happens to your lap when you stand up?
My Site - HexLuv.com
vesperOpifex AS3 framework
vesperOpifex has released its first candidate on google code, easily build huge Flash and Flex applications quickly and easily using XML and asset files.
I have put some Flash / action script 3 tutorials on my blog
latest is a basic rss reader with full source
AS3 and inheritance
I have huge problems with inheritance especialy contructors. Any tips webresources?
Joa moved a bunch of his optimization info into a wiki: http://wiki.joa-ebert.com/index.php/Main_Page
On Enter Flash
visit On Enter Flash to get the basics on a ton of flash cs4 using AS3.
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