Senior Member
Flash Kit Forum General Rules
Welcome to the
Flash Kit Rules & Main FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Updated: 08-09-08 by Planet
Flash Kit is the largest Flash-based community online today, so you made the right choice in coming to us. 
As a Flash Kit member you should read the rules and guidelines below to get yourself better aquainted with how things work around here. The rules listed in this FAQ and WebMediaBrands Acceptable Use Policy Agreement apply to all of Flash Kit’s forums in addition to those that you will find posted in various individual forums.
If you have any questions on how to post or add an image/url/email link to your post, then this page will tell you http://board.flashkit.com/board/misc.php?do=bbcode]everything you need to know about vB code[/url]. Check here for a http://www.flashkit.com/board/misc.php?]Smiley List[/url] showing all the smileys that you can use in your posts.
Forum Conduct
- Do not flame other members. Flaming is behaving in an abusive and/or hateful manner. You are not to harrass, threaten, nor attack anyone. We like to keep it friendly here!
Flash Kit defines harassment as follows:
1. To irritate or torment persistently.
2. To verbally provoke another member for the purpose of eliciting an emotional response.
Members who violate this policy will be warned. Further offenses will result in a permanent ban. - Do not use profanity and do not post indecent or offensive images. You will neither post with language or content that is obscene, sexually-oriented, or sexually suggestive, nor link to sites that contain such content. Flash Kit is a G-rated forum - this means don't post anything you wouldn't want your granny or little brother/sister seeing! Words that have been placed on the automatic censure list are there because this is a G-rated site. As such, members will not make an effort to circumvent this system by replacing select characters or by any other means.
- Do not post multiple threads on the same topic. This is known as ‘flooding’. Please post only once in the most appropriate forum for your question. A full list of all forums can be found here or by clicking on the Board link in the blue Flash Kit menu. Multiple threads on the same topic will be merged, closed or deleted.
- Do not spam the forums. Spam is promoting your product or service where its not wanted, a bit like junk mail. Spamming may result in being banned from the site. See below for the kinds of content that Flash Kit considers to be spam.
- Do not post requests for free work.
- Do not post full-time job offers. Flash Kit cannot allow the posting of full-time job offers due to it’s affiliation with www.justtechjobs.com. If you have a paying Flash-related freelance opportunity however, these may be posted in the Flash Freelance forum. Requests for free work and bartering are not allowed. A more detailed listing of the rules relating to this subject may be found here.
- You will respect other people's right to personal privacy and will not post any other person's identifying information (including their names, contact information, and any other relevant information) within the forums.
- You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate.
- Do not post about Warez, Serials, Hacking, Virus Creation, P2P, file sharing, drugs, underage drinking or anything else illegal. This includes referral games such as Clan/warfare games as well as free mac/ipod schemes! Members who engage in these types of activities will be banned instantly, forever.
- If posting news or something about a "funny email/joke" you just got, please run a quick
as another member may have already posted it before you. 
Spam Ingredients:
Although spam is a term that originally referred to unwanted bulk solicitations in email, Flash Kit has expanded this term so as to also include various other types of undesirable content. Simply put, if the purpose of your post is to promote your product or service, or to raise revenue through reference linking on links you provide…that is considered spam and it will be removed, the member will be warned and a second offense will result in the member being banned from Flash Kit.
You will not post advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or solicitations, all of which are inappropriate and prohibited in the Forums. Furthermore, you will not collect personal information about forum members with the intent of sending them any such advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, solicitations through other means (email, messaging programs, etc.), or for any other purpose.
If you wish to promote your product or service, please see http://board.flashkit.com/mediakit/index.html for information about advertising on FlashKit.
Footers and Avatars
Footer Rules
Footers are a digital signature attached to the bottom of every post you make. To make changes, simply go to your then click 'Edit Profile' and adjust your footer text and image there in the signature box. You can also chose to not have a signature if you like.
This box makes use of vB code, which is a very basic scripting language that allows you to show images or change text safely on Flash Kit. You can read more about it by clicking here. Do not use the following vB commands in your footer: QUOTE CODE PHP LIST (as they add extra breaks and make your footer too large)
Footers have a fixed dimension, file size and text rules that are outlined below. Do not break these or your footer will be removed.
Footer Specs:
- Maximum File Size: 15kb
- Maximum dimensions: 300x40 pixels
- Image type: .JPG, .GIF or .PNG ONLY!
- Number of images: ONE image is prefered, but if you must have multiple images they must all total no more than 300x40 pixels!
- In addition to an image you may also have 3 lines of text. If you don't want to use an image, then you are allowed up to 5 lines of text in your footer.
- No fonts larger than 12pt.
- Do not use quote, code, php or list tags in your footer.
Footer/Signature Rules and limitations
- Do not link to any illegal, adult related or otherwise inappropriate content. Flash Kit is a "G" Rated Forum. All ages are admitted.
- No SPAM. Do not use your footer/signature to advertise that which you wish to sell, donate or otherwise relinquish. To announce Flash related products or services, contact webmaser@FlashKit.com
- If you are unsure about what content can be placed in your footer then contact the webmaster for clarification before you post your footer.
All footers/signatures will be allowed at the discretion of the Flash Kit Team and may be removed or modified at any time and without notice.
You can be banned from Flash Kit for any inappropriate content in your footer/signature.
Do not start a new thread for the sole purpose of testing your new footer! There is a preview button directly below the box that allows you to edit your signature in the User CP (Control Panel).
Avatars and Titles
An avatar is the little image under your name. Just like footers, they have size and weight rules. You can only have a custom title and avatar once you have posted 100 helpful posts. Once you have satisfied this requirement you can change your title by entering the User CP and hitting the ‘Edit Profile’ link.
- Maximum File Size: 14.6kb
- Maximum dimensions: 75x75 pixels
General Questions
Why isn't my post count going up?
Posts in the coffee lounge do not count. So you can post in there 2,000,000,000 times and your post count will remain unchanged. This is to stop people from posting lots of random rubbish merely to increase their post count. It should also encourage you to help fellow members in the other forums.
Where can I show off my l33t Flash web site?
In the Members Sites forum.
Where can I show off someone elses l33t Flash web site?
In the Cool Sites forum.
I'm new to Flash! What is a movie clip?
Check out the Flash Newbies forum.
Can I change my user name?
The short answer is no, so take care when choosing your user name. It will be with you for the duration of your membership.
I want to be a Moderator, how do I become one?
There is only one way to become a Flash Kit Moderator. If a position becomes available then the most suitable person to fill that specific need will be asked if they would like to become a Mod. In short, you don't request to be a Mod, you're chosen based on personality and posting history. If we notice that you have a tendency to be harsh or demeaning towards other members then this will immediately eliminate you from consideration. The ability to interact effectively and with restraint when dealing with other members is a key factor in the selection process.
If you are interested in becoming a Moderator then you should basically act as if you already are one. Be helpful and considerate of others. Act in a manner that shows respect for opinions that differ from yours, and be calm when confronted with adversity. As a Flash Kit Moderator you will be expected to set an example for others to follow. It is people who do this without the title that are the ones we ask to wear it.
Sock puppets/Multiple accounts
You are allowed one account and one account only at Flash Kit. Users with more than one account will have all of their accounts banned. (we can easily trace multiple accounts)
How Each Forum Works
Each forum has its own characters and way of doing things. It is best to take a little time and have a look round before posting. Get aquainted with how things work in that forum and you'll find your stay here an enjoyable experience.
Last edited by Genesis F5; 02-04-2008 at 04:56 AM.
> .. _ .: Join the FK ARENA!:..:RUSHVision vs. JWin:. _ .. <
..:: "Why aren't the lockout programs working?!?...Release the monkey!" ::..
Senior Member
Due to the influx of technical questions in the lounge, I think it's necessary to reiterate that the lounge is for idle, non-technical conversation. This includes any area we cover in the other forums. Please visit the index to choose the appropriate forum: link.
One note: questions regarding hardware / software are allowed. This post is really for those who decide to skip the other forums and come right here.
Posting Permissions
- You may not post new threads
- You may not post replies
- You may not post attachments
- You may not edit your posts
Forum Rules
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