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Thread: PHP works not getting all fields in mail

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    PHP works not getting all fields in mail

    PHP code is fine but when i check my email only 3 of the fields are being sent,even when they are all filled out and sent.also i have a recieved message and a failed message, and even though the email is going through the successful message isnt showing up and that code is bellow the php

    www.teameliteonline.com/files/trythisout.swf >the quotes page


    $theName = $_POST['theName'];
    $theCompany = $_POST['theCompany'];
    $theEmail = $_POST['theEmail'];
    $theValue = $_POST['theValue'];
    $theTool = $_POST['theTool'];
    $theBase = $_POST['theBase'];
    $theCavity = $_POST['theCavity'];
    $theBasematerial = $_POST['theBasematerial'];
    $theAction = $_POST['theAction'];
    $theEjection = $_POST['theEjection'];
    $theGate = $_POST['theGate'];
    $theRunner = $_POST['theRunner'];
    $theMessage = $_POST['theMessage'];

    $to = "astromagnautic@hotmail.com";
    $subject = "Quote Request";
    $message = "Name: " . $theName;
    $message .= "\nCompany: " . $theCompany;
    $message .= "\nEmail: " . $theEmail;
    $message .= "\nValue: " . $theValue;
    $message .= "\nTool: " . $theTool;
    $message .= "\nBase: " . $theBase;
    $message .= "\nCavity: " . $theCavity;
    $message .= "\nBasematerial: " . $theBasematerial;
    $message .= "\nAction: " . $theAction;
    $message .= "\nEjection: " . $theEjection;
    $message .= "\nGate: " . $theGate;
    $message .= "\nRunner: " . $theRunner;
    $message .= "\nMessage: " . $theMessage;
    $message .= "\nPieces: " . $thePieces;
    $headers = "From: $theEmail";
    $headers .= "\nReply-To: $theEmail";

    $sentOk = mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers);

    echo "sentOk=" . $sentOk;



    var senderLoad: LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    var recieveLoad: LoadVars = new LoadVars();

    sender.onRelease = function() {
    senderLoad.theName = theName.text;
    senderLoad.theCompany = theCompany.text;
    senderLoad.theEmail = theEmail.text;
    senderLoad.theComments = theComments.text;
    senderLoad.sendAndLoad ("https://teameliteonline.sslpowered.com/files/quote.php",recieveLoad);

    recieveLoad.onLoad = function () {
    if(this.sentOk) {
    else {

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    it seems that you have many more lines in your php referring to specific variables than you have in your actionscripts.
    BTW: you can just put "sentok=1" into your php code. Since you are on a unix server, the result from your mail() call just indicates that there was enough space on disk to put the mail message into the outgoing queue


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