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Thread: The Editors Thread

  1. #21
    Senior Member Jaffasoft's Avatar
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    What's a good or best free WYSIWYG editor?

    Is there anything that will generate a CSS to use across a number of pages? I got basic stuff but want to pull things like repetitive links so i only have to change the one thing.

  2. #22
    Bearded (M|G)od MyFriendIsATaco's Avatar
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    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaffasoft View Post
    What's a good or best free WYSIWYG editor?

    Is there anything that will generate a CSS to use across a number of pages? I got basic stuff but want to pull things like repetitive links so i only have to change the one thing.
    In general, WYSIWYG editors are not that great. They generate code that just isn't... quite right. This is just a department that requires a bit of a human touch to be able to interpret how you want something to act, not just how it should appear. It needs to be aware of it's position in the document as well as it's surrounding elements. For the sake of learning just a little bit of HTML and CSS, it'll take you a loooong way, and it's real simple compared to most other things. There's really only a few key concepts, and the rest can just be retained in Google's memory.

    Now, as for text editors, I'm a Mac user, and I'm all about TextMate. Beautiful, simple, beautiful, LOVE IT! I'm in pain if I don't have access to it, and at ~$50, it's totally worth it.

  3. #23
    Junior Member
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    Dreamweaver CS5
    it includes new features for building sites with WordPress, new CSS enhancements and a new set of tools that let you see code changes in real time as you work, much like the popular Firebug add-on.Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 is a computer program that you can use to create and maintain a website.

  4. #24
    Junior Member
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    it is good for edit the any info.

  5. #25
    Junior Member
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    The biggest plus for the Notepad2 is the syntax highlighting IMO

  6. #26
    Junior Member
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    Granted thier webpage looks terrible. HTML kit is the mother of source file editors
    Plugins consist of mainly reusable source code for respective languages. If your constantly working in as, php, asp, css xhtml xml you'll find these plugins a godsend and if you need a cheat engine table. The interface easily gets cluttered as you build up plugins however they are easy to install and remove.

  7. #27
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2021
    Granted thier webpage looks terrible. HTML kit is the mother of source file editors
    Plugins consist of mainly reusable source code for respective languages. If your constantly working in as, php, asp, css xhtml xml you'll find these plugins a godsend and if you need a cheat engine table. The interface easily gets cluttered as you build up plugins however they are easy to install and remove.

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