This is a bit of code to remove spotlight and it's index if you care to try.
Quote Originally Posted by In the Terminal, do this:
sudo su
Quote Originally Posted by Then put this in
chmod 0000 /Library/Spotlight
chmod 0000 /System/Library/Spotlight
chmod 0000 /System/Library/CoreServices/Search.bundle
chmod 0000 /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Spotlight.prefPane
chmod 0000 /System/Library/Services/Spotlight.service
chmod 0000 /System/Library/Contextual\ Menu\ Items/SpotlightCM.plugin
chmod 0000 /System/Library/StartupItems/Metadata
chmod 0000 /usr/bin/mdimport
chmod 0000 /usr/bin/mdcheckschema
chmod 0000 /usr/bin/mdfind
chmod 0000 /usr/bin/mdls
chmod 0000 /usr/bin/mdutil
chmod 0000 /usr/bin/md
Quote Originally Posted by After a reboot, open a new Terminal and do sudo su to make a root shell, then:
rm -r /.Spotlight-V100
rm -r /private/var/tmp/mds
Then to re-enable spotlight you repair permissions. My laptop's battery is dead and every time I start up my computer it would start re-indexing so I decided to stop it.