He has risen!
The photos that inspire you to keep shooting
I don't know if we should start a thread like this, or possibly keep a listing of sites that just show photography outside of what we take here.
However, I'd like to start by sharing this photography portfolio site that i thought was amazing and very inspirational on how photography meets art.
Misha Gordin -
Last edited by lefteyewilly; 08-18-2005 at 10:27 PM.
Senior Member
This guy is awesome: not only is he a good photographer but he sure knows how to write under the pressure and dispair of a tsunami. I did read all of it and it is a little masterpiece that would deserve more publicity.
...and this guy is a pro, and has an awesome camera: G2 and a 550EX
Senior Member
just saw this guys work today. There are some pretty clever shots in there.
Senior Member
Inspiring Photos
I am always browsing through photoblogs and flickr and the like and see inspiring photos that just make me want to go out and shoot. So I figure to get exposure to things I may not run across on my own I would start this thread where we can all share photos we come across.
Please make sure to post the artist website or some sort of credit so we can all see more of their work on our own.
I know I have posted this persons work before but his PP is jaw dropping EVERY image he does and looking back at his archive I forgot about this one.

What The Heck Journal
"Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous."- T. McKenna
Mom said "make me a Mod"
This is wicked
VERY nice
I wish I can get better results with my HDR
Senior Member
Senior Member
Wow those are really good. Good saturation of colors.
"Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous."- T. McKenna
I love Flickr's interestingness feature. I could spend all day pressing that reload button.
Senior Member
Last edited by WannaBe_80z; 02-11-2007 at 09:38 PM.
"Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous."- T. McKenna
Senior Member
This guys HDR work is jaw dropping. His Yosemite gallery especially.
"Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous."- T. McKenna
No I can't do it by tommorow..
PeteCarr: http://www.petecarr.net/recent/
nice link wannabe, that petejackson has some real nice stuff, I really liked the Ireland gallery myself, but I'm bias since I was born there
Senior Member
This guys work and his processing is amazing. So clear and sharp and good color treatments.
But I guess that is what you can do with a $7000 camera and 4 of the best lenses in your bag 
</mean jealousy>
"Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous."- T. McKenna
Hairy Member
 Originally Posted by WannaBe_80z
But I guess that is what you can do with a $7000 camera and 4 of the best lenses in your bag 

Only jessin'
"Wah wah wah Dorothy Parker wah wah wah" - hanratty21 
Senior Member
"Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous."- T. McKenna
Moonlight shadow
Senior Member
He has risen!
he's using a Canon 350 D in most of those shots. Damn nice stuff...i think i need a new lense.
exclusive member ( V I P )
its not the lens or the camera, its the light
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