Doc/PDF to SWF conversion?
Hi FK,
I am in need of a word doc to swf and a pdf to swf converter that can be run efficiently and from the command line so it can be automated. So you're probably thinking flash paper from adobe, but I need something that I can run on linux since we will be running a linux box. I have been all over trying to figure out a solution, but havent come up with any so far. Does anyone have any ideas or worked on something similar? Im not opposed to making my own program, but Id need some source to start with since C isnt my strong point.
Thanks for any help or ideas!
I made something (for a specific set of files): basically ghostscript would rewrite the file as a pretty old pdf version with no compression, and a perl script would output ming source from the pdf operators
I believe that a more complete solution was discussed in the opensource forum a while ago
Thanks, Ill check the forum out then
Musicman, Could you point me in the right direction? Searches yield me nothing, and I want to get on this asap.
Thank you!
there is -at least -the discussion: http://board.flashkit.com/board/showthread.php?t=716409
I dont know whether the two suggestions are any good.
Thanks for the link. I was looking at swftools but had troubles installing so Ill try again. Never heard of pdf-flasher, but we'll see if they email back.
Thanks again,
Last edited by MarcosCoon; 03-21-2011 at 12:27 AM.
Thanks for the nice link. I am about to develop a PDF to Flipbook online service.
 Originally Posted by phil.harlow
Hi FK,
I am in need of a word doc to swf and a pdf to swf converter that can be run efficiently and from the command line so it can be automated. So you're probably thinking flash paper from adobe, but I need something that I can run on linux since we will be running a linux box. I have been all over trying to figure out a solution, but havent come up with any so far. Does anyone have any ideas or worked on something similar? Im not opposed to making my own program, but Id need some source to start with since C isnt my strong point.
well, I just know such one easy-to-use XFlip flash book maker that could help you to convert PDF/Office document files (PowerPoint, Word or DOC, Excel), Image files to flash standalone swf movie files easily.
Thanks for any help or ideas!
hi, phil.harlow, as to your problem, you could find the solution as you like online or google search, try to use XFlip Pro software, good luck!
I've only tested some PDF to image or image to pdf doument convert, if anyone is willing to share me with a PDF to flash converter, it would be great appreciated.
For people who have no skills about codes and scripts as me, I suggest the kvisoft's pdf to swf converter. It transfers office documents and PDF to swf flipbooks.
Hi, Chesteronpdf.
Thanks for your nice sharing. I wonder whether the pdf to image converter you mentioned above allows manual customization? If so, I want to check it later.
Best regrads,
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