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Thread: But how much should I charge for <ads>?

  1. #1
    Harry Tuttle phantomflanflinger's Avatar
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    But how much should I charge for <ads>?

    Hi Flashkids™

    I don't normally handle this end of things but I've got to entirely run a site's ad system.

    If the site's getting 10,000 visitors a month, (I don't mean 10K of new visitors) what could I charge advertisers for a standard 468x60 banner, in rotation? Or a skyscraper? The site will be wine-related and its visitors will be ABC1s and quite well off.

    Even general help about pricing would be useful; I just don't normally do this end of things. What I'm trying to come up with is some kind of calculator to show the client, so he can see how costs work.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member RUSHVision's Avatar
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    If someone wants to contact you via PM and give you the benefit of their experience in this regard then I won't try to stop them, but unfortunately due to Flash Kit's policy regarding price fixing we can't allow the discussion of such things on the board.

    Good luck with your search for info, sorry we can't be of more assistance.

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  3. #3
    Harry Tuttle phantomflanflinger's Avatar
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    Somewhere in the 20th Century...
    One PM received. If anyone else wants to send one I'd be even more grateful.

    Hi Bruce.
    We're all in it together

  4. #4
    Harry Tuttle phantomflanflinger's Avatar
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    Somewhere in the 20th Century...
    The technical side of this is easy, but does anyone want to recommend an ads & tracking prog that runs on Linux servers?
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  5. #5
    tell me, is this sellable..... OddDog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    suggest you check out the cost of some eCPM costs of adwords campaigns in the same niche ...


  6. #6
    Banned vampstko's Avatar
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    i got a better idea.. you sign up at www.******************.com as a publisher..pm me or email me when you do and if you can do 10k impressions a day i will up your percentage from 40% which is standard payout

  7. #7
    Harry Tuttle phantomflanflinger's Avatar
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    Somewhere in the 20th Century...
    Thanks vamp I'll consider it; the site won't be online till next month though. I'll keep you bookmarked.
    We're all in it together

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by phantomflanflinger View Post
    Hi Flashkids™

    I don't normally handle this end of things but I've got to entirely run a site's ad system.

    If the site's getting 10,000 visitors a month, (I don't mean 10K of new visitors) what could I charge advertisers for a standard 468x60 banner, in rotation? Or a skyscraper? The site will be wine-related and its visitors will be ABC1s and quite well off.

    Even general help about pricing would be useful; I just don't normally do this end of things. What I'm trying to come up with is some kind of calculator to show the client, so he can see how costs work. lottery sambad

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    I would say a few cents per view.

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