catalog cd rom with search feature?
I am building a cross platform cd rom catalog in flash 8. Is there a search feature I could plug in. Like a componet that is easy to integrate into my flash project. I have little knowledge of data bases and how the work with flash. This cd rom will not be connecting to the internet it will be offline.
I have seen northcodes product page but I am having difficulty down loading the spx file
Any help would be greatly appreciated
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You'll need to install SWF Studio to use those SPX files. They are self extracting project files that contain all the files the project needs. When you open an SPX it extracts itself to a folder of the same name and opens the embedded SPF file, ready for you to press the build button 
One thing to note about SWF Studio is that it's only available for Windows, which might put a bit of a crimp in your cross-platform plans.
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