Variants of Helvetica Neue not showing up
I've installed Helvetica Neue using Adobe Type Manager and I can use all variants correctly in Photoshop.
However, Flash seems to not recognise either Roman Italic (56) or worse, bold regular (75) and Bold Italic (76).
Anybody know why?
Thanks a lot, all suggestions greatly appreciated.
Okay, I figured it out. For anyone who comes across this problem in the future, the problem lies in the font name. For some reason, if a font name has a comma (e.g. HelveticaNeue-Light, Italic) Flash wasn't picking up the correct version of the typeface. If you change the name to HelveticaNeue-LightItalic it'll work correctly.
Other fonts which I have installed and which have commas in the name work correctly, it seems to be just HelveticaNeue that was having problems.
I'm having the same problem in Flash CS4
5 years after the original post I'm finding this is still a problem.
I need to use Helvetica Neue Bold 75 in this project and the font won't render.
Helvetica Neue 65 renders fine.
Helvetica Heavy Extended Doesn't render.
And there are no commas in the file names.
Have you tired using the file name listed in the properties - think the font you are using is named lte50707.ttf
commas in the name work correctly, it seems to be just HelveticaNeue that was having problems.
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