I'm currently developing a trivia game. When the user clicks a button to select an answer, that click starts a sort of "chain reaction" of time-delayed events: reveal if the answer is right or wrong, then show how many points were awarded or deducted, then show those points floating over to the score area, then change the score, then reveal the next question, and so on. So far, my approach has been to create a bunch of timers with different delays. When the user clicks the answer, all of the timers are started, but some call their functions sooner than others. The annoying thing about this is I have to create a bunch of these little delay timers like this one:

var questionDelayTimer:Timer = new Timer(8000, 1);
function questionDelay(e:TimerEvent):void {
questionDelayTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, questionDelay);
Is there a better way of doing this without having to create a separate delayTimer for every function? I thought about just making a long movie clip that calls all the functions on keyframes spread far apart along its timeline, then just having the answerClick() listener tell this movie clip to begin playing so it will call the series of functions as the clip's playhead moves along...but that's not how a "real" AS programmer would handle this, is it?

I also thought about just having answerClick() start a single timer that repeats a few times a second, and just having a bunch of conditional statements inside the function that the timer calls. The conditionals could check a variable that tracks how much time has elapsed since the timer was started or how many times the timer's function has been triggered. Then, based on that info, it would determine if the next event in the "chain reaction" needs to be called. Eventually, once the timer has called its function a certain number of times or a certain amount of time has passed, there'd be an if statement in the function that would tell the timer to stop.

So which sounds best? Or is there something I'm not thinking of? Thanks!