Tweens broken?
I'm just learning Flash CS3 (on a Mac). I posted this in the Newbies forum but didn't get a response, so I thought I'd try here.
Motion tweens are not working properly for me, and I think it might be a preferences problem. If I create a rectangle (non-object-draw), then add a keyframe later in the time line and move, rotate, and resize the rectangle, then motion tween between them, when I play the result the rectangle moves smoothly from point A to point B but does NOT rotate or resize until it hits the last frame, where it suddenly jumps to the correct rotation and resizing.
If I convert the rectangle to a symbol and move the symbol instead it works just fine.
I fired up Flash 8 Pro and it worked exactly the same way.
Question 1: Is this the way Flash works, or is something wrong?
Question 2: If something is wrong, what's my best course? I previous tried trashing the only obvious Preferences file I could find (~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.flash-9.0-en_us.plist) but it didn't help. Should I reinstall Flash? Completely remove Flash 8?
Thanks - looking forward to learning lots here!
- Bob
I tried de-installing (using Adobe's utility) and re-installing Flash and it's still happening, so I'm guessing this is default behavior.
Funny - I could have sworn this worked at one point. Oh well, probably better to make everything a symbol anyway.
- Bob
FK's Official Mac Hater
Use a shape tween instead. If you are going to be changing a shape in the transition then that is the proper tween for you to use.
Jason L. Wright
I'm not that hard to imitate. Just make some random negative claim at Apple or anything else for that matter and then have nothing to back it up.
Senior Member
This is the way Flash works, you apply Motion tweens to single objects, not collections of objects, so you have to group them in a symbol and ensure there is only one symbol per tween.
Read the Flash help on tweening, it explains all of this in more detail.
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