Total Universe Mod
[RESOLVED] Wrap [code] tags button needed for quick reply menu.
Could we please get the wrap in [code] tag button added to the quick reply UI?
It's very convenient, but is a pain in the arse to go advanced just to use it.
Very good idea, even a CODE and PHP wrap button, since we are supposed to use PHP for most things (I believe).
Total Universe Mod
Don't get me started on the [as] tag.
Yeah no kidding
Senior Member
Thank you jAQUAN, we'll see if JP can add this feature to the boards. Great suggestion.
Quick reply is not really intended to have all the features of the reply page. Otherwise there wouldn't be a reply page. It's intended as a convenience to dash off a quick post when all the features are of full reply are not required.
So why force people to use the reply page to wrap some code tags around some code? From a end user standpoint it would be much more convenient to just click the button and reply quick
I just explained why. Quick reply is not intended to have all the features of regular reply. Even the text area itself is smaller. It's like the difference between a primitive editor like Notepad, versus a more complete text editor. There are instances where Notepad is all you require. For more complex tasks you use something like WordPerfect or whatever your favorite full feature text editor is. Code tags are quite obviously not the only formatting tools that reply page has which quick reply does not.
Thats half the reason people never post code according to the rules though, adding the button would reduce the amount of plain text code we have to read on the forums.
It would take nearly 10 minutes to add, and be so much easier to post code snippets.
It's what the community wants, not what the text editor is "supposed to be used for". We are also not asking for the full fledged editor to be in the quick reply module, simply one function that will make life easier.
Well I still disagree but I added it
Bearded (M|G)od
I have to agree. With this being a forum with a high number of members being programmers, having a quick link to {code} is convenient. It's probably used more than any of the font styles combined!
But thank you anyways.
Yeah, I have already used it so many times and it's extremely convenient to have.
Total Universe Mod
I appreciate you doing that JPnyc. I agree with the separate purposes of the tool sets and think items chosen thus far are well thought out. I only deemed this one addition worthy because so many of my quick replies involve some code.
Don't anybody take this as an open invitation to have the site customized for you.
Senior Member
Well done folks, I've marked this thread resolved, if any changes need to be made, feel free to start a new thread.
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