disco monkey
Gerbs, fancy a fight for ol' times sake?
havn't done a p'shop fight in many years but i'm currently inbetween jobs (starting a new one tuesday) and fancy a wee fight.
i'm not the quickest in returns, just looking for a bit of fun, nothing too serious. got alot of freelance work on so the returns might be little sporadic.
no rules, use whatever software you want. keep returning till one party gets bored, dies of old age, etc...
anyway, serve!
Slow but packs a punch
haha... love the image.
And you're on. Let me get through the week from Hades and we'll go from there.
Developing For Dunkets
What a great image! I love the idea. Where did the picture for the snail come from?
disco monkey
no worries man, looking forward to it.
love the amy icon BTW, patron saint of comedowns.
mneil: not sure man, i've got a load of stock stuff i saved on my PC from back in the day when i used battle alot. prolly sxc...
heres the origional: http://discochimp.com/images/342472_1721.jpg
Hey monkey you know me being slow i noticed you have stitches on the snailand how you used the shell as the kevlar cool
"What do you call a mouse's Shadow in the second moon?"
biology nerd
great first volley, dc. not only is it funny and original, but it's well done.
well done.
Developing For Dunkets
Yeah, that's a great idea. Never would have even thought about something like that looking at the stock image. An entirely different mood. Well done!
disco monkey
cheers guys. hearing that you've managed to difuse my hangover. nice one 
ondraedan: been checking out your recent battles, nice work yourself man.
disco monkey
Hey dude, you about at all?
I'm still around, and for this. You just have to bear with my 75+ hour work weeks... I should see sunshine mid-week hopefully.
disco monkey
ouch, thats a pretty heavy work schedual. no worries man, get some vitamin D.
disco monkey
hows your schedual looking gerbs? any time for a freindly kick around?
**** it... after Monday, I'll make the time.
How in the world a year later did I manage to get busier!?
gerbric give a week time i will clean all that mess up
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