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Thread: special characters and Flash

  1. #21
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Your post helped me with normal text .xml files.

    But what about config .xml files?

    In a config file I'm not able to put:
    <![CDATA[some characters like: š đ č ć or ž]]>
    Please help me.

    Thanks a lot in advance,


  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    French Œ not coming through


    I have followed Kostas Zotos instructions which are brilliant, thank you very much.

    My basic example worked and that's wonderful thanks but when I then try and implement this in a site we have taken over to help a client, the French character Œ just does not want to come through at all.

    Things I have done:

    1. Made sure XML is saved as UTF-8
    2. XML uses CDATA
    3. Have embedded fonts
    4. Have embedded Œ specifically
    5. Have used another font altogether
    6. Have placed the character Œ in another text field outside of the MC it's meant to be in and set that as static text which works.
    7. Have recreated the text field thinking it may have corrupted somehow.
    8. Have put another text field next to it outside of the mask, changed the name and added the characters to the text field.

    Is there anything else I could try that I might be missing?


    • I have now also plugged Kostas Zotos' example in directly into the site I am working on and his sample works which leads me to believe there might be something wrong with the XML. Could a malformed XML be the cause of something like this? All other special characters are coming through expect for this sucker.
    • I have also created an entirely new XML file, saved it as UTF-8 and now the French side of the site wont load.
    • I have now also checked and ensured that the XML is not malformed using Firefox and it all looks good.

    In the attached example, the blue circle between the --- ---- is where my characters should be appearing which is happening in the text field to the left.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by SkyNarc; 11-15-2011 at 05:48 AM.
    Thanks a bunch...

  3. #23
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Great post. Thank you

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