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Thread: Interactive video; action after video is played.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Exclamation Interactive video; action after video is played.

    Hi everyone,

    I'll skip the "I'm new to flash.. yada yada", you probably find out when reading this anyway, since I think this might be a basic thing.

    The scenario:
    A video is played. When the video finish, a screen pops up with buttons with options. Depending on what options the person picks a new video plays; Option A plays video A and option B plays video B, and so on..

    How do I make this happen? How do I assign this option screen to pop up when a movie clip is finished playing?

    The video clips are .flv's at different labels in the timeline, is this the right procedure?

  2. #2
    anyone else hear that? flashpipe1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Upstate NY
    Several different ways to handle this. Having the flvs set up at different labels on the timeline will work fine.

    You can put a cue point at the end of the file if you're encoding with the flash encoder, see:

    Or you can set up a listener and test the state of the flv:

    Hope that helps!!
    Love like you've never been hurt, live like there's no tomorrow and dance like nobody's watching.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by flashpipe1
    Hope that helps!!
    Yep, sure did. I used one of the solutions with cue points at the end of the video. A bit to sort through in those threads, but it's all there.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Oh, and I won't forget the most important: THANK YOU, Flashpipe1!

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