Senior Member
Best Advice/Suggestion to get help....
As the title states, this is a few 'suggestions' to help YOU get the best help you can out of the Flash General Help Section.
1.) Post your Flash Version Type. (above the title for each new post)
2.) ***IMPORTANT*** state what version of AS you are using.
3.) BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE: If you are using FLASH CS3, but are NOT (I repeat are NOT) using AS3 code/syntax, saving your project to be Flash8 or lower compatible helps ensure you are NOT alienating those who do NOT use or have CS3 yet.. there is NO NEED TO KEEP A PROJECT IN CS3 format if there is nothing CS3/AS3 specific about it. (nothing is worse than reading through your post, trying to determine what it is needs fixing, downloading a huge file, and have it NOT open, because it is compatible with F8 or whatever)..it wastes' everyones time and can easily be avoided. this only helps you get more exposure to people who can help.
4.) CORRECT FORUM/SECTION: if YOU ARE using AS3 in your projects, please post you comments/questions here:
is the forum dedicated SPECIFICALLY to AS3 coding. (makes sense eh?) 
5.) PROJECT FILES/RESOURCES, try to either:
a.) post the .fla you are using (.zipped and attached to the forum, WITH ALL NEEDED RESOURCES to make it work).. if it is too big, provide a link for us to download it.
b.) paste the code you are using so we can see and following your process..
** if you DO paste code in the post.. ABSOLUTELY wrap your code in [ php ] [ /php ] (no spaces) tags.. or [ code ] [ /code ] tags..
this helps format the code so we can better read it and see what it is your doing!..
c.) give links or images to help visually display what you are after, or what your end goal is. (we cant read your minds) 
6.) BE PATIENT. someone will be a long to help out eventually. Multiple posts are against the rules, and can get you banned. So choose carefully where your think you thread should be placed.
Also do NOT comment back on your own thread with insults or nagging, about how no one has replied in a few minutes or hours even..
when viewing posts/attitude like that, "I" personally am NOT motivated to help. We all understand your projects are important, and you may be motivated at that time to work on it.. but please remember, we are all here voluntarily, and we all have lives. This place is a privilege and not a 'right' so please treat it as such.
7.) TRY SEARCHING... it is HIGHLY doubtful that you have a such a unique question that is HAS NEVER BEEN ASKED here before. Most likely it has, or some variation of it.. please check those first for a solution to your problem.
Hopefully these guidelines will help everyone here get the best help that can on their projects.
Last edited by whispers; 08-21-2008 at 12:42 PM.
Can you please revise to say:
If posting code use the PHP tags available (or something like that)
Senior Member
good idea... (forgot that one, in my rush to post)
Ryan Thomson
good points whispers. I highly recommend following these guidelines, you'll get way better results hands down. I would add showing appreciation for the help you receive. Being a dude will get you far in any forum.
Senior Member
please do not spam the board with the same posts..
also this is NOT the section to ask questions about help in flash..this sticky is to help members learn how to post correctly, giving the correct information, to maximize their chances of getting help on their projects..
Senior Member
since this section (I suppose) can pertain to BOTH..
it is highly recommended that you state if your project/questions pertain to AS2 or AS3.
Hey everyone, nice to meet you all.
I'm a bit new to all this but I appreciate the help and all the guidelines,
I have used Flash MX since 2002 and have happily created some reasonable stuff over the years. Now I have some questions about communicating between levels. I would like to
follow your protocols as suggested but where on earth do I find what version of Actionscript mine is. I have spent much time trying to find out. Any suggesstions?
Tony Dickins
Where there is a will - there is usually trouble!
Senior Member
It depends on YOU. What ActionScript language are you coding in?
If you ONLY have MX.. then Id say AS1.0 (maybe 2.0?) but AS3 is not even support in MX or Flash8..
Also.. when you say 'communicate between levels'.. are you referring to _level1, _level2..etc?
its basically like communicating with a movieClip (which is better to us.. instead of levels).. you must use the level name in the target path.
Thanks for that whispers. I am a bit deaf and didn't quite catch it. I never use actionscript - only in normal mode (for FlashMX) and even in expert mode it does not give a version).
I have downloaded a trial version of FlashProfessionalCS5.5 but think it is just too complicated with terminology I don't understand.
Sorry if I'm an irritating old fool.
I am working on a 50 page web site in Flash and will load elements/pages up to 5 at a time. I had wanted to have navigation buttons on the top layer to float above the others and point to actions on level_0. Perhaps I should think again. }~feel free to delete this post if it is in the wrong place.
Tony Dickins
Where there is a will - there is usually trouble!
Senior Member
not irritating AT ALL!... if you dont know. (you dont know).. noting wrong with that. And you wont know unless you ask.
it would be different if you were trying.. or were asking to be spoonfed..etc.
helping people who want to try/learn is what this place is (was) all about! LOL
I believe you are using AS1.0 (thats only important when posting a question here.. so people know right away what your specs are..and what advice to give.. not an absolute rule)
I think first AS2.0 was in FLASH MX 2004... are you using Flash MX? or Flash MX 2004? (there 'is' a difference')
You 'can' do exactly what you are attempting to do.. (using _levels...etc)
I just suggested using targets (ie: target = empty or blank movieClip) to load your content into ..instead of _levels.
IMHO.. its better and gives you much more control over things.
I used to use _levels when I started in Flash 5.. but using targets is much better/easier. (once you do it once or twice)
your 'approach' is still the same though.. you load you navigation 'page/.swf' into a target container/clip instead of a_level..
the target movie clip (called a container clip). .can then be moved all over the stage at will (moving your nav or content with it).. same as making in _visible false.. or removing it from the stage..etc
you can have you 'container clips' already on the stage.. (just empty movieClips with instance name)
if thats too much.. you can certainly go about it your way. I will work.
if you have questions, post them. =)
Ok here is my problem I downloaded a trial version of After Effect and I made an effect with it and exported as a swf format. I then opened flash 8 and . I make a movie clip and import the swf file into the clip. Here is the problem. ... When I go back into seen 1, I play the animation and the animation goes off the screen. I tried to highlight all of the keyframes and move the symbol to the middle in hopes that i wouldn't go off the stage , but no luck. The revolution of my movie is 1200 by 900. The animation was 300 by 200. What am I doing wrong. This is my first time using after effects
Senior Member
1.) this was NOT the thread to post this in.. (there are several HELP forums here).. this was a post on HOW to format your thread/post to get the most response/help.
2.) this is not an AE help forum.. maybe another section here? (I have no experience with AE)
3.) DO you have a link to the example/problem?
4.) did you .zip up the files and post them for others to check out for you?
Did you 'read' the first post?
Thank you for share this post I like this post .
good post ,thanks.
This is just a suggestion but instead of getting people to post their questions as new threads why not have threads where you write questions directly to certain moderators/senior members and anyone else whos willing to help out members new to flash.
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Senior Member
how come toto3dmax is banned but his good marketing leads post is still visible?
Senior Member
Does a ban mean all posts are deleted?
I wasnt under that impression.
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