Hi, I am trying, but not getting it

I am trying to convert a as2 remoting test to AS 3 using the flash.net package.
I am using a cfc as the backend. I have been having troubles getting flash remoting working with flash CS 3 and actionscript 3.

I hope that somebody can help. I did see strike_remoting remoting package, but it is using PHP. I don't know PHP, so I use trying to use ColdFusion CFCs

Is there anything wrong with this?
import flash.net.*;

var myservice:NetConnection = new NetConnection();

var responder:Responder = new Responder(onResult, onFault);

function onResult(responder:Object):void{

function onFault(responder:Object):void{

myservice.call("cfcs.getTest", responder);
I can't seem to get the trace pannel working.

The cfc is:
<cfcomponent displayName="getTest"> 
<!-- Establish a Flash Remoting Connection --> 
<cffunction name="getTestConn" access="remote" returnType="string" output="true">
<cfreturn "....connection successful"> 
In actionscript 2 I used, which works perfect:
import mx.remoting.Service; 
import mx.services.Log; 
import mx.rpc.RelayResponder; 
import mx.rpc.FaultEvent; 
import mx.rpc.ResultEvent; 
import mx.remoting.PendingCall; 
import mx.remoting.RecordSet; 
import mx.remoting.DataGlue; 

// Connect to the Gateway 
// Establish the Service 
var myService: Service = new Service( "http://localhost/flashservices/gateway", new Log (Log.DEBUG), "cfcs.getTest", null, null); 
//path to the cfc localhost/cfcs/GetTest.cfc

//Test the Connection
function getTestConn(){ 
//Create a PendingCall object 
var getTestConn_pc:PendingCall = myService.getTestConn();
//Use the responder property to handle the success for failure 

testConn_pc.responder = new RelayResponder(this, "getTestConn_Result","getTestConn_Fault");
//Handle the Success 
function getTestConn_Result(re:ResultEvent){ 
//Handle the Failure 
function getTestConn_Fault(fault:FaultEvent):Void{ 
// Start Application 
which traced:
9/18 20:20:38 [INFO] : Creating Service for cfcs.getTest
9/18 20:20:38 [INFO] : Creating gateway connection for http://localhost/flashservices/gateway
9/18 20:20:38 [INFO] : Successfully created Service
9/18 20:20:38 [INFO] : Invoking getTestConn on cfcs.getTest
9/18 20:20:44 [INFO] : cfcs.getTest.getTestConn() returned "....connection successful"