i need to do this red bookmark
a movable draggable object (realstic ponasanje bookmark)

i want the red bookmark on page 4 (inhalt) to have interactive movable realistic features similar to
( ballonstring but the upper end (line)has to be fixed
to the book and the lower end (red ballon) to be a button movable by mouse click
the ballostring object is made by as1 player 6 but i need it to be a as2 player 9
by bookmark i mean a real exlibris not a mozilla or exporer bookmark ,to bookmark a page in the book
not the entire website

the other problem is on page 8 (fashion women) when i move the mouse over aplication the first time
works perfectly but when move out mouse and move it over again every next time it messes it up.
on this page you can download the source file

please help me