Happy Diwali
Hi guys,
I am amit ,wish you happy diwali to all of you......
for those who don't know about this , I should tell them
Diwali is the Hindu festival , celebrated in india .
For worship of Goddess "Lakshmi", The Goddess of wealth and prosperity.
For me I will enjoy holiday for next five days,Bye Bye
Remotely Driven
I don't celebrate it, but since its a holiday, rejoice!
Peace - Just in Heaven
Hapyy Diwali !
May your life enligten in this festivals of light !
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
- The Mahatma.
Peace - Just in Heaven
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
- The Mahatma.
Spartan Mop Warrior
Today is also Happy UN Day!

Wishing everyone lots of men in blue helmets driving white tanks.
"Just go make web and stfu already." - jAQUAN
"Twitter is a public display of verbal diarrhea that comes out in small squirts." - Gerbick
Happy Diwali in advance to everyone. One love.
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