Hi guys, I'm making a website layout and in the background I want to have a length of code scroll up and down.

So I typed the code out into a text field and made it a movie clip symbol, and I went in and edited the clip so that on frame 30 it moves up to a certain height, and by frame 60 it moves back down into it's original location.

The problem I'm having is that when I right click between keyframes and click "Create motion tween", the frames between the keyframes turn the light greenish colour, but there is no arrow pointing from the first keyframe to the next...and when I run the clip, it sits at it's original location for the first 30 frames, then jumps up to it's position on frame 30, where it sits until it hits frame 60 and it jumps back down to where it was (no tween). Does anyone know what's wrong?