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Thread: KM7 differences AS3

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I'm sorry about being unclear. Here's the development scenario I'd like to use with KM:
    1. Use KM to create and or just add components to the library.
    2. Use an external .as file as the main file, not using the built-in script editor at all (though it does have some very nice features). The exceptions would be adding stop() commands on some frames of MovieClips in the library.
    3. Use KM to compile the .swf file.

    I'm sure I've read some guidelines for doing this, but I just couldn't find them searching the forum. Is it just a matter of naming the .as file with the same stem as the .fun file and keeping them in the same directory? To be honest, I haven't done much playing with this scenario: I've been copying my external file contents into .fun file and removing access modifiers and package statements.

    I'm sorry if I'm asking for an explanation that's been hashed out previously. Please just point me to the thread, if that's the case.

    Thanks for the great support!

  2. #22
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I'm still not sure if I understand you completely.

    A document class is a sort of substitute for the default class that is automatically created to handle the main timeline. When you have a .fun file, you can assign a document class to it within KM. To work with components a document class isn't required.

  3. #23
    KoolMoves Moderator blanius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Atlanta GA
    My video thumbnail component was done this way. I just scripted it in FlashDevelop and referenced several KM components in FD, saved as AS then compiled everything in KM.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Perfect! Thanks for the help! I'm trying to get some additional folks using KM for components. I try to position KM as the best of both worlds: when you want to put together a banner or timeline-based piece quickly (especially with the built-in effects), KM does the job excellently. At my previous job, I had the Flash (IDE) developer in marketing asking how I cranked out my banner-type swfs so quickly. And they looked great! I'd like to also demonstrate to people how to use it as more of a development tool with multiple classes.

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