Hello all, I've a flash form on www.simonjones.me.uk/kings - click "book a room" the email is delivered but it doesn't contain anything entered on the form, I have a copy of this working on another site so I'm guessing its something sill I missed and hopefully a fresh pair of eyes will help me out.

action script on the submit button is;

on (rollOver) {
on (releaseOutside, rollOut) {
on (release){
getURL("contact.php", "_blank", "GET");
name="Your Name";
email="Your Email";
phone="Your Phone";
mobile="Your Mobile";
add1="Address 1";
add2="Address 2";
pcode="Your Postcode";
date="Arrival Date";
night="Number of nights";
guests="Number of guests";
single="Number of SINGLE rooms";
twin="Number of TWIN rooms";
double="Number of DOUBLE rooms";

and I submit it to the php processor;


$name = $_GET['name'];
$add1 = $_GET['add1'];
$add2 = $_GET['add2'];
$pcode = $_GET['pcode'];
$phone = $_GET['phone'];
$mobile = $_GET['mobile'];
$date = $_GET['date'];
$nights = $_GET['nights'];
$guests = $_GET['guests'];
$single = $_GET['single'];
$twin = $_GET['twin'];
$double = $_GET['double'];

// change this to whatever you needed to be.
$recipient = 'simon@blah.com;

//you can make it say anything you want
$subject = 'New message from Kings House web site';

// Do not edit anything else beyond this point
$headers = 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1';

$content = "<html><head><title>Contact</title></head><body><br />";
$content .= "The following message was sent from the Kings House web site.</b><br>";
$content .= "Name: <b>" . $name . "<br>";
$content .= "Address: <b>" . $add1 . "<br></br>";
$content .= "Line 2: <b>" . $add2 . "<br></br>";
$content .= "Post Code: <b>" . $pcode . "<br></br>";
$content .= "Telephone: <b>" . $phone . "<br></br>";
$content .= "Mobile: <b>" . $mobile . "<br></br>";
$content .= "E-mail: <b>" . $email . "<b><br/><hr/><br/>";
$content .= "Arrival date: <b>". $date . "</b><br/b><hr /><br />";
$content .= "Number of nights: <b>" . $nights . "</br></br>";
$content .= "Number of guests: <br>" . $guests . "</br></br>";
$content .= "Accommodation Type: <br></br></br>";
$content .= "Single Room(s): <br>" . $single . "</br></br>";
$content .= "Twin Room(s): <br>" . $twin . "</br></br>";
$content .= "Double Room(s): <br>" . $double . "</br></br>";
$content .= "<br /></body>";

// The mail() function allows you to send mail.
<body bgcolor="#282E2C">
<div align="center" style="margin-top:60px;color:#FFFFFF;font-size:11px;
Your message was sent. Thank you, click the cross to close this window.
<script>resizeTo(300, 300)</script>