Random Thoughts :: 01
One line, per person per post... a random thought. Let's see how fast we can ramp this to 1000 replies.
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I'm no longer dating chicks with a well-stocked medicine cabinet.
Senior Member
Fruity Pebbles are the better version of Fruitloops.
"Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous."- T. McKenna
why did i buy this can of gingerale. its no longer cold and i dont see myself drinking it.
Juvenile Delinquent
Never again will I have a serious relationship and buy a sandwich deli and especially definately never again will I do both at the same time.
i wonder if could sell a script based on a summer blockbuster movie about Larpers.
Total Universe Mod
if 90% of commercials anymore are cell phone related, will we all die naked in the streets with nothing but our phones?
poet and narcisist
chips ahoy or oreo... i'm hungry and need cookies now
N' then I might just Jump back on An' ride Like a cowboy Into the dawn ........To Montana.
I hate crows, they're sneaky and cruel
No longer a Flashkit mod, not even by stealth
Insanity is just a point of view. After all, the world looks pretty normal through your own underpants.
Senior Member
I'm balancing my keyboard on my chair arm and even though there are more keys on the left side, it's favoring the right. Why is the number pad so heavy?
Hood Rich
This is one expensive rock concert.
"We don't estimate speeches." - CBO Director Doug Elmendorf
this thread is never going to hit 1000 replies without a considerable amount of boobs.
poet and narcisist
this is like a poor man's twitter
i drank that can of gingerale.. it was warm.
Buying a bag of mini chocolates does not mean you will eat less chocolate.
Senior Member
Why is it every time i pick my nose its full again in a few minutes?

If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe. Carl Sagan
He has risen!
i love saying various iterations of the F-word in any situation possible, as much as possible.
I just walked into a situation where I couldn't win... even non-participation would have been a loss.
Senior Member
These pretzels are making me thirsty!

If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe. Carl Sagan
Senior Member
I really need to sleep more
Senior Member
I was wondering if there was a word to describe that phenomenon where, if you say a word too many times, it loses meaning and context.
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