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Thread: you like video game stores because?

  1. #21
    He has risen! lefteyewilly's Avatar
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    Mar 2001
    this kind of goes without saying, but you have to get ALL of your 'clerks' being a SALES force. Give them questions to ask the customers. And make sure they make it to a customer within 3 minutes of walking in the door.

    I've been to my local gamestop a bunch of times just to see if there were games i'd might want to buy... honestly, i've bought 20% more when a clerk has given me direction on what games to buy, and hasn't been a dick or walked away when i've said "just looking".

    On the flip side, if a clerk hasn't even aknowledged my presence in a certain time period (depending on how busy it is), i walk out on purpose, no matter what my purpose of buying is (and type of store).

  2. #22
    holographic god Vatcher's Avatar
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    Jun 2002
    We can get the korean PS3 80GB ceramic white system for hundreds less than online retailers sell it for, so I'm considering seeing if we can get one just to see how likely it is to sell for $500 when all other retailers are $545 or above.
    Chaos= Religion+Humanity

  3. #23
    Chaos silverx2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    The hospital
    good to know that despite getting it hundreds cheaper your still willing to sell it only tens less.
    use the link above if you download league of legends.

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