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Thread: Standalone Projector won't work on a Mac when output from Mac Flash 8 Pro

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Standalone Projector won't work on a Mac when output from Mac Flash 8 Pro

    Standalone Projector won't work on a Mac when output from Mac Flash 8 Pro

    I'm outputting a Mac projector file that will work on my mac computer. However, when I upload it to FTP and download it my mac or another mac, it won't work! What's going on? I've tried adding ".app" to my file and it still won't work.

    Here's my set up: Flash 8 Pro on Mac Intel with Mac OS 10.4.11

  2. #2
    Senior Member SJT's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    London, UK
    Uploading it to an ftp server is stripping the file of resource forks, part of the file that tell Mac OS (from OS 9 days) that it's an application.
    Adobe still uses this system because projectors have to be able to run on OS 9 as well as OS X.

    You need to zip up the projector before uploading it. Control-click on the projector in Finder, choose 'Archive' (or 'Compress' depending on your OS version). Upload the zipped file instead.

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