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Thread: xmlSocket server speed up?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    xmlSocket server speed up?

    Ok I am making a multiplayer game using flash and an xml socket server. I am encoding bytearrays that have objects written to them to strings using Base64 class and sending that string over the server.

    It works fine on an onEnterframe loop until I have 6 users logged in. All the users start to lag when I have more than five in. Does anyone have suggestion on how I would be able to handle are fairly large amount of connections and still maintain a good speed? 100 connections at least would be nice.

  2. #2
    Senior Member catapop's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    hi. try to send as less info as you can. for example if you move an object from position x to position y don't send the information everytime the frame refresh. send something like
    movePosition(x,y) and you send again to server if he changes the position, if not don;t send anything. also you have to synchronize the players. see their connection speed.

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