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Thread: differences mac / pc regarding fonts

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The Netherlands

    differences mac / pc regarding fonts

    When I make a fla file on a pc and fill a rectangle perfectly top to bottom with some lines of text and then open the same fla file on a mac, the line spacing is different? I'm using the same Opentype font on both platforms, same font file. On a Mac the line spacing is somewhat wider so the text goes some pixels past the bottom of the square. Why is that?

    Normally, using an opentype font should work fine on both platforms. Which it does when I use it in an indesign document e.g.

    I'm using static text, same font file, same fla, but still the text renders slightly different on a mac than it dos on a pc?

    Any sollutions?

    Illustration | Animation | Web Banners | Graphic Design
    Ducklord Studio

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The Netherlands
    This image shows what I mean. On the left the pc version and on the right the mac version. Both use the exact same font file (Opentype, but I've also tried TrueType), but when I open the .fla on a mac the line spacing is slightly bigger. Or the font is rendered a pixel higher, I don't know. Why is this?

    Illustration | Animation | Web Banners | Graphic Design
    Ducklord Studio

  3. #3
    Bearded (M|G)od MyFriendIsATaco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Welcome to the lovely world of Flash and fonts. Don't ask why, nobody really knows. Fonts are extremely terrible in Flash. For both platforms. Especially when it comes to non alphanumeric characters in some fonts.

    There's nothing you can do about it dude. Stick to developing Flash stuff on one platform. Even better: the same computer. Weird things tend to happen with fonts all the time.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Has anyone found a workaround for this? I've heard you can always move the letters around manually but I tried that and it still can't seem to look right. Is it the letter spacing I am supposed to change? I am on Flash CS3.

    Also....could some kind PC soul help me? I need to have my fla exported on a PC because right now my letters got chopped off:


    If I send anyone the fla & font file could someone please export it for me?

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