Well, just to let yall know, my whole game is going to be about speed. In fact, the start up speed will already beyond what normal humans can do. And then the final power a person can get will be something called target dash.
You go to your map or w/e, select a target to go after (target being another player of course) and you literally go faster than a bullet after him. Not only does the hit count as a finishing blow when u actually get to the guy. But you will be sending out shock waves that have about half the power of a grenade as you go after him. And if you touch anyone directly as you chase after the target, well they are chopped in half. It sounds too powerful don't it?
Question because I'm curious...
I know this question is off-topic a little.
But does the fact that I only ask questions that are actually near impossible to answer with exactly what I want prove that I'm pretty pro at flash development?
After all, I am only getting stuck at things that no one else has gotten past. I have no proof that no one did. But you know what I'm saying right?
Wow Cody, you're just asking to get flamed
By your logic:
What is death? There, no-one can answer that as you'd have to define life (which biologists even can't). I must be at the top of biology and necromancy.
You're actually asking a design question which is prone to subjectivity. There is no right answer. Also, I've given you two examples of games that DID face the same problem just a few posts ago and how they've solved it.
Again... wow...
Senior Member
Your questions point to the contrary. "Pro"'s can think a lot of things out for themselves, and can figure out what's possible and what's not in Flash.
And the pro's don't need to go around asking everyone if they're pro or not...they're secure.
You seem inexperienced, full of wonderous dreams, and full of yourself. You're getting stuck at these things, because others have either already figured out the problem, or others know to avoid the problem in all, and the ones that do ask, are sincere about getting the problem fixed, and not about their ego's.
As a developer on these forums, it pisses me off when people are talking on and on about how they're pro's, when they can't even think for themselves! And that doesn't make me want to help them at all.
What do you even expect to get with a question like that?! "Am I pro guys?". Hell, we don't know. As far as I know, you haven't shown a bloody thing, except your ignorance and inability to think!
I love vegetarians! More meat for the rest of us!
Hype over content...
"But does the fact that I only ask questions that are actually near impossible to answer with exactly what I want prove that I'm pretty pro at flash development?"
lol, yeah.
Either you're pretty pro and you're just out thinking us, showing up the limits in our abilities, or maybe you have concepts that just aren't workable and no matter how many times you're told that you keep going forward ignoring everything else to the point that no one can really help.
Yep, you're pretty pro dude.
Senior Member
Hey guys, I am almost completely totally finished with my game, but just have one problem left. My game is based around swiss cheese coming out of people's keyboards when they win. The rest of the game is almost totally 110% complete, it is just this swiss cheese out of the keyboard trouble.
I have tried making a cow class, but it can only make milk come out your nose...
Can anyone get swiss cheese to come out of the keyboard? It is the only thing stopping me from making this perfect game.
If nobody else can get swiss cheese to come out of the keyboard, it shows I am the best flash programmer ever because the rest of the game is 220% complete, and just this one problem is stopping me.
Dude, all kidding aside, the only things that mean ANYTHING here are:
1) How often are you able to HELP OTHER PEOPLE with their problems, and
2) What are your FINISHED PRODUCTS like.
I never finish much of anything, and I am still a noob at as3 so have not been able to help anybody in a long time, but I am also not spouting off about being some god of programming. This is sooooo not the place to do that.
Lol, thanks to you guys I have a new concept of what makes a person pro
A pro is someone who can ignore how people can brag sometimes, go with the flow and keep doing what they do. A pro is someone who doesn't flame others but helps them deal with what they don't understand.
What I was really saying before, was that I don't understand something because I don't know, so yes I am not pro. But I was merely asking if having difficultly on an extremely difficult task or impossible method at doing the task makes me sort of pro. Because after all, if I can overcome everything else except for impossibilities. Then I am pretty good at this right? That's all I was asking. I wasn't putting anyone down. I wasn't putting myself up either. I was simply asking if something about me is making me pretty up.
I have no right to say I have better understanding of it than everyone else.
My best concept in life so far has been "If I haven't learned something, how could I possibly know it?"
And the number one thing I learned
Only direct answers work. I already mastered the general education as2 and as3. Not once has indirect information worked for me.
Every answer I find online have to be topic specific or else they are a waste of good english and actionscript. I have figured out that over the past three years learning as much about flash as I possibly could. So basically when ever someone says to look at the "search" option or google.
Well... then fµck off. I had already tried the option obviously and I don't want to spend 6+ months searching for an already developed solution that might not even exist.
Last edited by cody112; 06-24-2009 at 02:17 PM.
Senior Member
 Originally Posted by cody112
But I was merely asking if having difficultly on an extremely difficult task or impossible method at doing the task makes me sort of pro.
No. Someone who knew nothing of flash would have difficulty as well.
 Originally Posted by cody112
Because after all, if I can overcome everything else except for impossibilities. Then I am pretty good at this right?
Yeah, probably. Where have you demonstrated yourself overcoming everything except the impossible? Do you have a giant portfolio somewhere, full of games and apps?
Humility is a virtue.
 Originally Posted by cody112
Every answer I find online have to be topic specific or else they are a waste of good english and actionscript.
So advances in biology and psychology (especially clincical psychology) are totally irrelevant to the field artificial intelligence? I'd say genetic algorithms and neural networks have contributed a lot of new concepts into the field of artificial intelligence and makes you review your old techniques in a new light. What I get from that comment is that you want tutorials that are very very specific to your question and you do not want the cognitive challenge of learning a new concept, you want to learn a new technique (or better put a new trick). You do realize that there was a time when there wasn't an internet with such a wealth of information that it was probable that you could even find such specific information. Still progress would be made.
I like to think that people have enough respect for the people that do pioneer new concepts and explain them to world for FREE, that they at least take time to really get the idea and not just the given application (which really is just an example, nothing more). Sorry, but that comment really lacks respect for the people giving you advice and the tutorials you learn from. Just because it isn't what you'd like to hear, you can at least take the effort to learn from it. Filtering negative feedback or articles on new concepts out isn't the way your going to be at the top of the game. It's how you'll always lag behind by the ones that are.
Your claim that you don't want to put yourself up is also pretty weak, as this is the second time in short time that you're looking for confirmation of your achievements. If you know that you're good, then why do you need to ask? It actually makes you sound insecure about your own achievements instead that you're proud of them. We're not all against you here. Just keep thinking you're right and the rest is too blind to see, but showing you don't understand the concept gametime <> realtime in this thread as well as syncing in the other, really shows others got some knowledge you don't have. That is something really valuable. Free knowledge is an advantage to exploit.
You really should take up some courses in philosophy. Knowledge isn't absolute but it's actually subjective and certainly subject to context. So if somebody tells you something you don't agree too, it's the time to understand where he's coming from and actually learn something new. If it is a valid argument you can still disagree with it and think your way is better, but you can at least acknowledge it as a valid argument.
This all isn't meant as an insult. I'm just asking you to give us the same respect you're getting from us. You might think that we're not actually paying you any, but (I hope I can speak for others here) that is because you haven't shown to acknowledge us as peers. For example: have you said about any of us that he's a pro? Have you said: "thanks, good advice!"? Then expect the same from us.
Senior Member
If you are such a pro, why don't I ever see you answering other people's questions on this board? You get what you give.
What I meant is I overcome all the flash basics, all the challenges that have arisen (cept for the new ones), discovered a lot of techniques and know all there is to making a single player flash game. I have yet to make one, but I know enough to remake Thing Thing 4. Hell I could remake that Spewer game if I wanted to. I am making pointers to what I could remake to demonstrate my current level in flash development.
All I have to do is come up with something that seems worth making.
And I have surmised this, what is worth making, and I can do it with just a little bit more knowledge of things to do with this whole online struggle I've been going through. The thing I plan on making is a side scroller like Thing Thing 4. But it will have its own background and story, an online pvp mode, and a battle system about 5 times as good as the thing thing battle system.
I'm not bragging, I know I can make that with just a bit more knowledge of the online stuff and the patients to make the game.
And the reason I don't help anyone else is because I am so confused when I run into a problem, well I have to spend between 2 hours to 2 months figuring it out. Some start to seem impossible to pass.
Last edited by cody112; 06-25-2009 at 09:36 PM.
Senior Member
...Oh, my, lord.
First off, if you think you know all there is to single player flash games, then you most likely aren't even close to knowing all there is to single player flash games.
It's easy to say "I can make that, I can make this.". We all can say that, how the hell do you know you can?
It's one thing to learn the alphabet, another to start writing novels.
And let's make it clear...you are bragging. You can't say that your battle system will be approximately 5.100983 times better than Thing Thing's. We can all dream, but dude, you gotta step out of that dream world, and start seeing something I like to call reality.
The fact that you get confused as soon as you run into a problem already shows how "pro" you are. And yes, judging by what you've been saying, some of your far fetched ideas will start to seem just a tad bit impossible.
If dreaming and thinking up ideas, and ways to do things in programming was all there is to it, then we'd all be the most professional people ever. But, you haven't even made a game yet!!! You probably don't even know ANYTHING about complete game development from a coding perspective!
Now seriously, it looks like you still haven't gotten what people are trying to say...STOP THINKING YOUR PRO. What we mean by that is you need to start seeing what making a game is, and not patching together ultra-specific tutorials together. You need to show some modesty, and actually start coding for yourself, by yourself, and figure out your own problems. When you show us your Pong remake, and show some commitment to keep learning, you might get a better reception here.(from me at least).
PLEASE consider the above. PLEASE for the sake of my patience.
Sometimes the urge to smash my monitor becomes very strong, and more than once during this thread.
I love vegetarians! More meat for the rest of us!
 Originally Posted by Pazil
...Oh, my, lord.
First off, if you think you know all there is to single player flash games, then you most likely aren't even close to knowing all there is to single player flash games.
It's easy to say "I can make that, I can make this.". We all can say that, how the hell do you know you can?
It's one thing to learn the alphabet, another to start writing novels.
And let's make it clear...you are bragging. You can't say that your battle system will be approximately 5.100983 times better than Thing Thing's. We can all dream, but dude, you gotta step out of that dream world, and start seeing something I like to call reality.
The fact that you get confused as soon as you run into a problem already shows how "pro" you are. And yes, judging by what you've been saying, some of your far fetched ideas will start to seem just a tad bit impossible.
If dreaming and thinking up ideas, and ways to do things in programming was all there is to it, then we'd all be the most professional people ever. But, you haven't even made a game yet!!! You probably don't even know ANYTHING about complete game development from a coding perspective!
Now seriously, it looks like you still haven't gotten what people are trying to say...STOP THINKING YOUR PRO. What we mean by that is you need to start seeing what making a game is, and not patching together ultra-specific tutorials together. You need to show some modesty, and actually start coding for yourself, by yourself, and figure out your own problems. When you show us your Pong remake, and show some commitment to keep learning, you might get a better reception here.(from me at least).
PLEASE consider the above. PLEASE for the sake of my patience.
Sometimes the urge to smash my monitor becomes very strong, and more than once during this thread.
I'll sum up everything you said in this post.
I know I can do this because I have done it all ALREADY! I have coded things out from a simple hp bar all the way to a 10 save and load options for a game, with an overwrite check and deletion button.
I never really really done much combo-attck coding but I have done some.
I already learned how to make a 1-9 list for weapon switching, I have added shooting at mouse position. I have coded AI and can do a lot more with it using simple logic with in my mind. I can of course do movements with ease along with walk/run animations. I can use any animation I want for an attack or combo attack. I can do gravity and physics fine. I know exactly what I'm doing with this.
And I KNOW I CAN make a kick ass battle system because I actually am so determined to make it, I am willing to spend 2 years making it. I already added all the base things behind an online game, all I really need to add is make a battle system that uses transfer methods that I use for the online stuff I'm already doing. And I need to fix up a few minor things with it.
BUT TRUST ME! I know what I am doing... I would stake the whole world on it. DO NOT QUESTION MY DETERMINATION! AND GUESS WHAT, TO KILL THE MOOD!
dooooooooood, hush and go create your slow motion thing.
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