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Thread: AS3 XML Flexibility For Text

  1. #1

    AS3 XML Flexibility For Text

    I am planning to create a Flash website where I will be modifying the text content fairly frequent. I was told that I should be using XML to write my text as it would be easier to modify. I have never used XML before but before I commit myself to learning it I am wondering how flexible is it in Flash? For example, will I be able to have several external XML document (one for each of my Flash pages), and will I have full control of the colour, font, text position... and so forth?
    ~~~~~jOn waZ hErE~~~~~

  2. #2
    FK'n_dog a_modified_dog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    pretty much YES to all of the above

    make sure to lookup CDATA while you are learning.

    CDATA gives you the ability to pass a set of limited html tags to the xml parser, including
    asfunction (which creates text links, these links run functions in the movie)

    a simple example would be ( AS2 syntax, no AS3 here )
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
    <![CDATA[<P ALIGN='CENTER'><B><FONT color='#FF0000'> 
    <a href='asfunction:myFunc,rocket.jpg'>RED ROCKET</a> 
    _xml = new XML(); 
    _xml.ignoreWhite = true; 
    _xml.onLoad = function(){ 
    showTxt.html = true; 
    showTxt.htmlText = this.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue; 
    function myFunc(param){ 

  3. #3
    Thank you a_modified_dog. I will look into that
    ~~~~~jOn waZ hErE~~~~~

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