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Thread: [Complete] Coded Hallway

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Smile [Complete] Coded Hallway

    This was my first game, made around September/October. Just trying to get more people to play it.

    In Coded Hallway, you will be given a riddle and a code to decipher using the riddle as a hint. Once you decipher the code and go to the next room, that code then becomes a riddle to help you answer a new code. There are ten codes in all. Can you decipher them all and make it through?

    I've been told it's difficult/confusing, so let me know if you have trouble.


    Also be sure to check out "TEXTreme Adventure" while you're there (on my profile).

  2. #2
    Developer dVyper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    In the first screen : "Pay attention to Capitol letters"!!
    The game screen was a bit tall for my laptop.
    I couldn't complete the first level

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dVyper View Post
    In the first screen : "Pay attention to Capitol letters"!!
    The game screen was a bit tall for my laptop.
    I couldn't complete the first level
    You're the third person who's pointed out the typo, which I have to say was kind of embarrassing when I found out, seeing as it was in the general vicinity of "Check your spelling." By the time I knew about it, the game was already halfway around the internet, so I didn't see a point in it being corrected on only a handful of sites.

    How high does the resolution go for your laptop? The game is 638 pixels tall, so you should be able to fix it (although I don't know much about laptops).

    Which question are you on? "Enter password: here" or "Here's an easy one to get you started. Just look the other way."?

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