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Thread: Using MC Tween 2, updating travel X, Y coordinates on runtime.

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Seattle, WA

    Using MC Tween 2, updating travel X, Y coordinates on runtime.

    I am wondering if someone was able to do what I am trying to achieve using MC Tween 2. I need to be able to update X, Y coordinates while the tweening is running. I don’t want to restart it but update X, Y values. For example, I want to modify the distance to travel on an object in given time. It means that if tweening started with distance to travel 100px on Y coordinate and time to ravel is set to 10 seconds and if I change Y coordinate within 1 second of 10 to 200 px the the rest 9 seconds will tween the object to the 200 px point. I hope I described clear. Please let me know if it is doable. Any ideas are highly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance.
    Best regards

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Seattle, WA
    I am still hoping that someone can help. Thanks.
    Best regards

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